Killer Storm!


Long Time Member
Sure hope you guys from "back East" are not getting the Storm that has, is, and is still going to be coming thru here in N. Eastern Cali. We've had a easy 3 feet stick just from the past couple days and the forecast is for more of the same... all friggin week long.

We mostly have a migratory deer herd in this area yet there are a growing bunch that have and do stick around all winter. Them deer usually have it pretty rough until about this time a year when a guy can get in some nice days mixed with the bad. With this latest big storm, i feel them deer are in serious trouble! :-(

264, I know we've had over 30' some winters but some aren't so bad with maybe only half a dozen storms dumping 2' or better. On heavy years we don't need ladders to get up on our roofs and once we walk on up there, on the heavy years, we have to shovel the snow "up" off the roof as there is no place "down" to put it.


Nice place to live(except the winters maybe), tons of public lands to fish, hunt, and camp.


Larrbo has a nice place across the lake from us here in town and i hear that it really dumped out there. Another good friend called this am, says he's got 5 foot of fresh snow, that stuck! Bad storm for the animals that were hanging on for spring!

This storm is also really playing havoc with a lot of the farmers here in the valley. My duck club is flooded again like it's January, water everywhere! All the poor guys with Almonds are gonna be in big trouble, after that cold weather we had when the blossoms first came out, and now all this rain. Rice farmers now have their fields flooded again like January, and normally they'd be turning dirt in a few weeks, now it's gonna take at least a month before they can get out to start prepping their fields for planting.

But hey, we won't be running short of water this year, especially after this huge storm. We had wind gusts to over 60 mph last night, and a bunch of rain over the last 5 days, with a lot more headed this way. Hang on, Joey!
>This storm is also really playing
>havoc with a lot of
>the farmers here in the
>valley. My duck club
>is flooded again like it's
>January, water everywhere! All
>the poor guys with Almonds
>are gonna be in big
>trouble, after that cold weather
>we had when the blossoms
>first came out, and now
>all this rain. Rice
>farmers now have their fields
>flooded again like January, and
>normally they'd be turning dirt
>in a few weeks, now
>it's gonna take at least
>a month before they can
>get out to start prepping
>their fields for planting.
>But hey, we won't be running
>short of water this year,
>especially after this huge storm.
> We had wind gusts
>to over 60 mph last
>night, and a bunch of
>rain over the last 5
>days, with a lot more
>headed this way. Hang
>on, Joey!

Just more water they will sell to LA... While emptying our reservoirs in the process...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
I just talked to my dad and he said Shasta Lake was 11' from the top. McCloud had 3', Chester got 3', all around the north end of the valley got pummeled. Crazy weather for March 20!!! I guess the wind has been howling like a big dog too. Any power outages yet?? Be safe on those slick, nasty roads!!
Damn Sage!

How you gonna find your Pipe Wrench?:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Joey, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the long range weather forcaste is for rain and showers in the valley and foothills and snow higher up for the next 10 days. If this keeps up, we may get a flood or two from our Northern rivers before this is over.

The flatland area below me has had major power outages where PGE is contracting repair crews from Washington state to help make repairs.

This will effect the states East of us with major snow storms and may have an effect on deer herds in those states as well.

Yeah Guys, Could be a real bad year! I'd like to hear from some of our MM members over in that desert country North and East of them is holding out. I'd really hate to hear of a major deer kill off in that country as i'm just the past couple years starting to hear decent buck hunting in that country since the MAJOR decline from the bad 92-93 winters.

Floods? I don't see how they'll be avoided. Our lake is up for the time of year and will fill in no time. After that, what runoff comes down in, is going to have to be flushed down the Feather River Canyon. If a guy lives close to river level, or below, in the valley, might be sure to make sure your flood Ins. is in order.

As far as work up here goes, everybody is way slow. I have not had one phone call that i could convert into money in 12 days. I need spring and the returning "snow birds" to come flocking back to their seasonal cabins and custom homes. Hanging on, hunkering in, hanging tough, it's been a long cold winter! I need Spring to come... and soon! :)

Hang in their pardner! One of these days when I get back out to visit my Aunt & Uncle in Carmichael I'm going to take a few days and take a look at all that nice country up where you live. My Uncle does a lot of fishing up on Shasta and has told me how beautiful that whole area is. I envy you man!!!
I'm up here working in Klamath Falls and the weather sucks up here!! I left nicer weather in Utah. Cold, snowing, blowing hard, etc. I'm glad I came in from the north this time and didn't try to drive up from Reno!

It's always an adventure!!!
Jim, just watched the weather. Winter storm warning posted
through tomorrow,,,,2 - 3 feet central mountains (wasatch)

Damn Sage!

Hope that turns around for you!

This FRICKEN Obama Economy SUCKS!

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Thanks guys! We got another foot or so, it's really nothing new being slow on work and heavy on the snow around here during the winters. It's just a bit slower, a bit later in the season than a guy would like to see.

The old joke around here;
How do you built up something worth $250K?
Buy a business in Chester and invest 1 million!

It's a tough place to make a dollar, always has been, probably always will be. In some ways kinda glad it's that way or everybody in Kali would want to be living here and we don't need that. Yes Bessy, this economy sucks and makes it even worse!!

Again, i'm hoping you guys and the critters across the country are making due. This storm series ain't done yet, by a long ways, and has all the makings of a Killer to those that just been hanging more ways than one!

We're in the central valley and our almonds will do fine this year. We had a few light rains at the begining of the bloom but then had 10-15 good sunny days. We only had to spray fungicide for brown rot once. Our trees are leafed out now but we still may have a scab or rust problem later in the year. The different diseases are always present in orchards but are usually not a problem if you have a good preventive plan. The biggest issue with the rains during the bloom is not getting a good germination....if its raining the bees cant do there thing and you'll have a weak crop. I hope all the almond farmers in the north valley and foothills who tore out other productive crops and replanted almonds to make a quick buck get rained out HARD. We used to fetch $3.00 plus a lb untill they flooded the damn market...last year we only got $.88 per lb.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
A lot of the almond farmers from Yuba City north had problems with real cold weather, as in frost, just as their trees were blooming.

Yesterday, I had to go to Gridley on business, and wow, the rivers are very, very full. The Sacramento, at downtown, can't be more than 6 or 8' from the bottom of the I street bridge, Discovery Park has 6 or 7 feet of water in the parking lot, the Feather is bank to bank and the damned road to my duck club is closed due to being flooded. I did go around the barricade yesterday to take a look and it wasn't flooded that bad...yet! I was gonna stay up there Friday night, but not now.
>A lot of the almond farmers
>from Yuba City north had
>problems with real cold weather,
>as in frost, just as
>their trees were blooming.

Good to hear, maybe they'll put rice back in :)

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Hardway, me and my cousin got a job one summer 'green dropping' peaches in the Modesto area. The farmers had such a bumper crop that they agreed to take a percentage of their trees and knock all the peaches to the ground, to keep the price up.

I thought it was weird, but a job was a job. You guys should do that with the almonds?

Eel, the peach growers have been getting subsidies for years. My grandmother worked for the california cling peach association for years and she would always tell stories of how the growers used to joke about it being more secure than a goverment job. They have had a program going on recently where they pay the grower to tear out the trees and plant something else, guess what most of them planted....Almonds. We started growing almonds in the 70's back then the price was never made a killing but you never got burned. Then after NAFTA in the 90's the price skyrocketed when new markets opened up. Because it takes 3-4 years to get your first crop the demand grew faster than the supply. The last few years the supply has caught up and passed up the demand and the price is dropping fast. I dont remember the exact numbers but the last few years most of the co-ops have been holding over product trying to prevent the inevitable. Next the almond farmers will be crying to the goverment to help and almonds will be the new peach.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Man o man, we are getting DUMPED ON today!! It's nothing but chicken Feathers since before daylight! I stocked up on food and chew, wish the critters out there could have done the same!

Hardway---What you mentioned with peaches in CA is the same with the cherry industry here in Michigan!
Joey, I guess you can forget about the garden for the moment.:) Instead, go out and build a snow man. Use a store bought carrot for the nose and then eat the carrot.

Hardway, the Blue Diamond Almond commercial....."A can a week is all we ask". You better make that "Three cans a week......."

I feel for you guys. My old Sierra cabin is still covered I hear! Here in NM we have gotten Nadda this year,most of the storms have gone north.Got an inch of snow yesterday and maybe another inch this weekend. Got 6' total last year.But it was way cold this year.
I am sure your old cabin is covered. As of yesterday Donner has had 57 feet fall this year and there is 25ft on the ground at 7600ft elevation. They are getting slammed today, looks like another 4ft easy. Monday it stops!!! Looks like spring floods for sure
Back in 1952 my Mother took the train out by herself because our family did not have enough money for all 4 of us to go to my Grandfather's funeral. Her train was the last to get through Donner Pass when a huge storm hit and closed it down for a lengthy amount of time. Is the town of Donner near there?
Screw all the snow fallin right now! Im tieing on a big gold rapala and puttin my snow pants on. Look out Almanor browns, Ill be at Big springs in 5 minutes looking for one Big fish. Ill shovel this crap later. BH1
BH1, Good for you but not for me. I'm hunkered in. Check out way up in that cove. This time of year, there could/should be some big Bow's cruisen in the shallows. Also, if brave enough, fish jigs and getzits deep, opposite the powerhouse, at the Hamilton Branch. My best smallie days ever came from there in March, 4+ pound average!!

Go get em! :)

It's snowing like crazy again in town...least it was 1/2 hour ago last i poked my head out. Looks to be a nasty storm!!

It's raining hard down here in Chico. Can't go up to Lake Almanor until April 1st....I'm sure with the reports from Sage we will have a lot of snow to shovel. I hope we don't have a repeat of the 1983 spring when the Feather River flooded the Olivehurst area and blew out the Feather River Canyon.
It's thunder and lightning rain and hail here on the coast, headed your way. Don't go outside just yet Joey.

Larrbo, you could have gone all day without mentioning that flood. I put in about 40 straight hours when it broke getting people out of the flood zone.

I still remember call that went out on the LEO radio by the first officer that saw the levee give away, " Oh $hit we have a major break".

Hey, look at the bright side. We don't have to worry about Lake Oroville being emptdy anymore! ;-) I was looking at Accuweather a while ago, checking the forecast for Paradise, because a lot of the water that floods my duck club out comes from up there. Accuweather is saying that Paradise is supposed to get 5 1/2" of rain by Sunday. Oh boy, gonna be flooded deep for a long time.
6x7, how many years has it been since water was going over Oroville's spillway? I'm guessing 8-10 years, is not longer than that.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-27-11 AT 12:59PM (MST)[p]I dont know ,I will ask my cousin they have a house boat there and it seems like its on dry land more than in the lake the last few years.Ok she said it was april of 06 the last time it happend.
You still out there Sage?

I hope you're not buried too deep in snow!

Rain here in NW CA just doesn't wanna stop. I haven't caught the weather report for your territory recently but I hope you've had a bit of a break.


Look out Forkie, FTW is watching us!
Yeah Dad, i'm still here! Hey We got the Sunshine today, first in a long time. Looks like it's supposed to get up to 71 tomorrow. One good thing about late storms, this last one was a doosey, is that the snow doesn't last long.

It's funny what a change a week can make. Last week, we were flooding, and it was cold (cold for here). This week, it's been over 80 degrees the last two days. I've umpired high school baseball games the last four days, and it's been so warm I'm soaked with sweat at the end of the game when I take off my gear.

What a difference a week makes.
Hit 90 here yesterday next week it going to drop back to the 60's. I just throw a longsleeve shirt in the truck for the next few weeks. Snow on the mountains wouldn't last long in this weather.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

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