Killed a HUGE Antelope Buck - need help scoring



I was hunting UNIT 58 in New Mexico and killed a massive old buck. He is not long, with forward facing horns, but he is exceptionally heavy. We have green scored him at 88 NET B&C - three of us came up with the same score.

The only gothca is the "If the prong interferes with D-2, move the measurement down to just below the swelling of the prong. If D-3 falls in the swelling of the prong, move the measurement up to just above the prong." We think we understand, but just in case we have to go above the prong I'd like to understand this language.

He has 8" bases and 7 3/4" 2nd measurements, his third circumference is either 7" or 4.5" depending on the swell question. His prongs are very high compared to most goats on the horn and his prongs are 6 1/2 & 6 3/4. He is just a massive old buck. I'll post pic's when my camera battery is recharged.

Thanks for the help.
Sounds like you got yourself a knarley, massive ole buck...congrads!!! I've shot a couple bucks over the years that are similar to yours with prongs that are high on the horn. The one I got in Colo a couple years ago was this way but he only had about 3 1/2" prongs so there was very little swelling below the prong. He was close to 16" in length with the prong way up on the horn. The 3rd qtr measurement was below the swelling but I never had him officially scored.

Most horns with 6 1/2" prongs are pretty well bladed below the top of the prong but if your 3rd qtr measurement falls below any blading (swelling) it may be possible you can take the measurement below the prong. If there is any angle left in the prong from being bladed you will have to take the 3rd qtr measurement above the prong.

Every horn is somewhat unique so it may be a judgement call. If you post a photo with tape around where you think the 3rd qtr measurement would be I'm sure a lot of us could give you our opinion.

I would be curious to what length he is? With the measurements you've give he should make B&C if he is over 14 1/2" long! Congrads again on your massive buck!!
Thanks Jim's that is what I thought. I am going to measure him again this morning to verify everything. He has 2" - 3" of hair up the horn so it makes the circumference measurement on the base tricky. I am waiting to get it to my taxidermist to cape it out. I think our measurements are pretty close (w/in an 1/8).

I'll post pics and my measurements for both sides sometime this morning. Thanks for the info.
You are exactly right that the base measurement and where you start the horn measurement at the base can be tricky! Quite often the base isn't smooth and sticks somewhat down on each side so it is hard to figure out where you start the horn length/base measurements. Sometimes this will be lower on the horn than most guys think so it makes the horn length a fraction longer. Unfortunately longer length means all the mass-circumference measurements are a fraction higher on the horn. The higher on the horn you go the less mass you have...especially the top 2 mass measurements.

I look forward to some pics! Congrads again!!! If you've ever seen wall pedestal mounts you ought to try one...they look really nice!
You cant get 3 mass measurements below the prong...2 above and 2 below.

Sounds like a good buck all the same.
it is really close where to take the third measurement. It is even with where the prongs flares out on the bottom when you take the measurement since the prongs are high on the horn. None the less he is a really good, heavy old buck. He will either net 80 or 87 5/8 - my taxidermist will let me know as he is a B&C Official Scorer. He said too it is really close...
I just looked up in the B&C and P&Y books. P&Y won't allow the 3rd qtr measurement to be below the prong but I haven't found anywhere in B&C that says the measurement can't be taken below the prong if it is below the swelling.

You are correct for P&Y. B&C allows the D-3 to be taken at the actual measured location if it falls below the prong swell, if it hits on the prong swell it is measured immediately above the prong. If the prong is so low that the D-2 location hits on the swell, the D-2 location is moved down till it is off the swell regardless of actual measuement.


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."
--Benjamin Franklin 1759
Texas Hunter did you ever get your buck scored? Also do you have any photos..we'd love to see him!
......and waiting.....


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."
--Benjamin Franklin 1759

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