Kill Deer in Bountiful Standard Examiner


Long Time Member
BOUNTIFUL -- The deer population in this city will be reduced between now and the end of the year.
The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources and the city formally entered into a memorandum of understanding Tuesday night to reduce the population of deer within the city limits by Dec. 31.

Costs for the effort will be shared equally between the city and state agency.

The accord puts the city council on record as declaring the overpopulation of deer within city limits as a public problem.

A DWR spokesman estimated the population of deer as being about 500 within the city limits, while estimates from city officials suggest it is as high as 3,000.

This will be the first active effort by the city and state to reduce the deer population within the city since 1995-96, said City Manager Tom Hardy.

Hardy said the program is intended to manage the deer population, not wipe it out.

"We are not proposing to eliminate deer within the city limits of Bountiful," Hardy said.

He called the agreement a modest proposal that takes a humane approach to management of the deer issue, taking into consideration people, property and deer.

The agreement is for one year, but can be extended by mutual agreement of the two parties.

The memorandum was approved by a 3-0 vote.

As part of the agreement, the city and state will each provide one individual for one day every two weeks through December to work to "lethally remove nuisance deer" within city limits.

Hardy said the deer will be culled by a marksman from the DWR using a "suppressed weapon," with a policeman accompanying him, twice a month through the end of the year.

The city is required to provide a map and contact list of cooperating landowners through a landowner registration program that identifies people willing to allow access to their property for deer removal.

The memorandum also ensures that officials will inspect registered private properties before any culling effort to address potential public safety concerns.

Hardy said people who provide access to the deer will have to sign a form providing permission.

He stressed that the program is intended to safely cull the deer as quietly and efficiently as possible.

"We won't go on property without permission, and our method won't sound like World War III," Hardy said.

Meat from deer killed will be donated to feed the hungry and homeless through the local chapter of Farmers and Hunters Feeding the Hungry.

Kelly Bingham, program coordinator for FHFH, said the chapter will pick up costs of processing the meat.

Early indications are that the culling effort has received mixed reviews.

A city questionnaire sent out in November asked residents if they wanted to take steps to control the population, and then asked about the viability of possible options such as hiring a sharpshooter, using archers or trapping and relocating the deer.

Hardy said approximately 3,600 responses were received, with 60 percent of those responding asking the city to leave the deer alone.

That same survey showed people were even less supportive of the idea of letting a marksman access their property in an attempt to curb the population.

A subsequent public hearing on the issue in January showed people were split as to how to handle the issue.

DWR numbers show that deer calls within the city have slowly grown since 2006, with a spike of 224 calls in 2008 as a result of harsh winter conditions.

Those same DWR numbers show that 74 deer were killed in the city last year, with a spike of 94 deer fatalities in 2008.

This year, the DWR reports 42 deer fatalities in the city from January through July.
Would transplanting deer really cost too much money...??? I've never really seen numbers on that before.

And what's the difference between sniping the deer, and having a car hit them...??? Residential inconvenience...?? Aren't we ALL required to have car insurance by law already... LOL I know the deer "need" to be culled, let archers do it. Oh wait, we can't trust archers. Hmmm......

I think the most humane solution is to release mountain lions into the nieghborhood and let nature take it's course. Now that's good management...

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
you forget what state your in, the fish and guts believe the way to solve a problem is kill it then the threat or nusence goes away, any other state would manage things differently.. then they wonder why this state deer population is struggling..
Glad that I get to hunt only 3 days this year because the deer populations are so low... But the DWR sees it benefitial to just kill the deer instead of transplant... Almost like cutting their own throat if you ask me. Utah's Big Game populations are how they make money. No animals means nobody hunting which means no money...

Workman Predator Calls Field Staff
I would love to help participate i the relocation of 200+ deer and move them up onto monte cristo or to another area thats seen some extremely low deer numbers recently. If the DWR would put a hold on this sniping idea and planned some volunteer work, let the dedicated hunters get some hours, or just simply asked the public to help provide horse trailers and trucks, etc... i know with out a doubt that many would respond and volunteer a saturday relocating these animals. shooting the deer is just the easy way out. every couple of days go out and shoot a few... then shoot some more.... i hope nobody gives them permission to use their back yards....
I can see removing Resident or Summer Deer...but deer that are wintering in the city, what a crock.
The deer will not quit winter there, and slowly they wipe out the herd that lives above the city. STUPID.
To bad they can't capture a couple hundred and put them on the island. Another hundred does would do wonders for that population. Come on SFW, pony up and do something for the unit that will soon be your cash cow.

This is a very stupid agreement.

i will talk to Governor Herbert if necessary to get it stopped and taken care of right

If we start shooting deer in Cities until Dec. 31, there will be NO deer - our herds are way down - left anywhere in the state.

The deer that live on the Mountains will be shot in December in teh valleys and city limits. I can't believe the DWR would be so stupid as to agree to this program.

I will also request that sportsmen be allowed to capture deer found in the city in the summer and transplant to many other locations. Lots of places in Utah could use some additional deer.

If some in the DWR do not care about our wildlfie and our hunting, which it is obvious in this case, they don't we will take away their opportunity to screw things up worse.
Thanks Don!

That is a good response, we appreciate you stepping in and helping.

Let us know what you find out.
I live in bountiful, to try and stay in shape i hike the foothills year round, i know what goes on.

the proposal to use our license money to have DWR employees shoot deer - deer that live high in the mountains most of the year is beyond stupid.

will fight this one hard, because if it happens in bountiful, every city from Logan to St. George will try the same thing.

Removing valley deer in teh summer is one thing, shooting deer through December 31 is beyond comprehension, especially when a lot of us will take the time to capture these deer and take them and turn them loose somewhere that they can live and do well - 80% of the state is in that category.

will keep you all posted, already put a call in really high up teh ladder this morning.

this is what is good about MM, identifying issues that need to be solved, then doing it

Don, Utah's deer herd could certainly use some help with predation. If the DH program is in jeopardy then possibly a reward system could be put in place for those DH's that still want more hunting opportunity. 10 coyote tails = a deer tag or harvest a cougar and receive a bonus deer tag or something like that. Free of charge and not one of them expensive predator control programs. A win win for deer hunters.

Don, I hear talk about Monroe LE deer is on the table. What can be done about the study going on that maintains an excessively high number of cats on Monroe? Rather than putting an end to one of the greatest family deer hunting units in the state. Wouldn't a reduction in the cat population there serve us hunters better?
I am a Bountiful resident and am passionately against the killing of any deer within the city limits. We built on their winter range and personally I enjoy seeing the wildlife every now and then. During the winter I sit on my patio with my spotting scope almost nightly and watch the deer on the mountain make their way to town by night. As you know they often spend the entire night and several hours of the morning in town before heading back up and some stay longer. As you've pointed out, to kill these deer is not right, and to do so from October through April is ridiculous. Hundreds of mountain dwelling deer can and will be mistaken for "urban deer" and unnecessarily killed. Relocation is the solution, but during the summer, when "urban deer" can better be identified. I will gladly volunteer my voice, effort and equipment to defend the deer. If you know where we can get involved please let us know.
Thanks Don for your efforts here. Transplanting seems like a much more reasonable solution, especially if they are looking for a "humane approach". If cost is a concern, the assistance of some dedicated sportsman and volunteers would keep this to a minimum.
It is about thime for the hunter pull together and see this stopped. Call the Mayor, Gov, ect, send em emails get after it guys.
Can't be too big of a problem.

If the DWR says there are 500 deer in bountiful then there is actually only about 2 dozen.

I hope they deal with it correctly too.
During the summer they should allow people to shoot them with paint ball guns. This could help in two, it marks the "urban" deer and makes them easier to distinguish and second, a deer gets shot a few times with a paint ball gun, it might decide to quit coming so close to town.
after it snows you can get some one way gates into large pens baited with good feed and catch them just like they do the wild Horses, then put in horsetrailers and move them to a better place.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

that is what i am talking about.

what most sportsmen do not know, is when the Henry mountains was closed to hunting, so few deer, so few bucks, SFW fought the dWR like hell to capture 200 plus deer from teh Lasals and Monticello to put them on the Henry Mts.

there are lots of places that need deer.

If you interested in helping transplant deer from bountiful to other places, please email me at [email protected]
I talked with the Urban Wildlfe Biologist out of Ogden who is over the harvest or the Bountiful deer. The deer they are targeting are urban deer...yes the ones that sleep in your backyard and eat your rose bushes. The first night out they took 2 does in like 8 hours. With about 500 deer in the city I think it will take then about forever to get them all. As far as darting them and transporting them it cost just about $500 per deer. That is $80 for the put down meds and $400 for reversal. Then you have to move them. Deer are weird in that they don't take the dart too well. A moose will tip over faster than a deer, deer just run. Also if you do move them they will try to go home to Bountiful. Most of them will die in the first 3 months and the rest within 2 years. They are only shooting does. Also there are I believe three people who are allowed to shoot them and landowners have to sign a waiver to have deer shot by their houses. I don't like the removal of deer too much but with 75 more or less getting hit in Bountiful alone each year on average depending on snowfall something should be done. I don't think they will be super successful using a .22 at night with a 50 foot range of accuracy. Just my thoughts.

$500 for the meds to tranquilize deer? Bull$h!t! I had a friend who was a graduate student at USU and they darted deer on Camp Williams and Kennecote for years. If it really cost $500 per dose then those guys cost USU and the state of utah millions.

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