

Long Time Member
I have a 3 year old boy named Kole. His favorite thing to do is play with my tools. I found a stubby screwdriver the other day and I told him it was just for him hoping he would stay out of my tools. I worked pretty good other than he has been really busy fixing his toy trucks with it, taking all the screws he can reach out of my entertainment center, all the screws he can reach on the side of my shed outside, all of the screws he can reach on his wood swingset, all of the screws out of our coffee table and dining room table and chairs, the door hinges upstairs and the back door..I can't find all of the screws, he said he used them to fix other stuff but can't remember what.... Oh kids are great aren't they?


I remember those days. And you have a long way to go too. My oldest son is 27 and still occassionally takes stuff apart that never goes back together quite the same way. :)
I'm walking around trying to fix it all with a smile on my face and trying not to let him see it so he doesn't think its ok. 1st time is kinda cute but I'm sure the 2nd 3rd and 4th times I won't be so happy...


>LOL, I hear ya,,,, Keep the
>markers put away...

Monday when we were at my wifes parents house he found a box of blue dry erase markers. Went behind the couch a clean little boy and came out a smurf, and painted grandmas wall and the back of he couch..... He is usually pretty good but comes up with this stuff from time to time. Its my 1 year old I'm nervous about he is already very mischevious and kinda mean...

My parents think its hilarious. All my dad says is "paybacks are a *!tch."


Don't worry, your gonna get exactly what you deserve.

Rub some dirt on it, ya sissy!
When the time comes for him to have a BB gun, don't turn your back on him! :)

Nocked N Loaded
I rememeber those good ole days, Now it the 4 year Granddaughter As you put those screws back in put a dab of glue on them first they will be harder to get out next time. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>When the time comes for him
>to have a BB gun,
>don't turn your back on
>him! :)
>Nocked N Loaded

Ya, our parents shoud have watched you and I a little closer with our bb guns huh!:)

You find out who your friends are when you see who shows up to help pack your bull out!

>Ya, our parents shoud have watched
>you and I a little
>closer with our bb guns

Definitely! Did that leave a scar? I've never heard Blake laugh so hard as when that topic came up a little while back. Good times...

Nocked N Loaded
>Definitely! Did that leave a
>scar? I've never heard
>Blake laugh so hard as
>when that topic came up
>a little while back.
>Good times...
>Nocked N Loaded

Ya I'm still packing a scar from that! Good but sometimes painfull times!

You find out who your friends are when you see who shows up to help pack your bull out!


We remodeled a ladys house and when it came time to redo the
kids room, 1 wall was full of crayons and lipstick and what have you and she didn't want us to do anything but put a clear coat of paint to preserve it and we went ahead and did new trim and crown molding thru out the house but that 1 wall was crazy looking.

Kids, don't ya love em

I don't have kids but I do have two dogs that are like my kids. And sometimes get into trouble like kids. My German shorthair was the worst, he constantly chewed up phone wires, sprinklers, etc. when he was young. One nite I was outside in the dark fixing his latest destruction. Once I was done I cleaned up and hauled all my tools into the garage and just tossed them on my work bench to be put away later. I didn't check to make sure I had brought in everything I had taken out. A couple days later I went out to mow the lawn and I find 4 or 5 various tools scattered throughout the lawn. Apparently while I was working on fixing his little project he had been stealing my tools and stashing them throughout the yard.
I haven't showed him wrenches, sockets, ratchets out of fear I will come home and our vehicles will be laying in piles in the driveway.

Btw I got smacked by my wife when he was showing me what he did my wife was following us around. He got done and said pretty cool huh dad! I said strait faced looking at him "where was your mother?" Shaking my head. I got smacked and he taddled that she fell asleep with Weston.

You find out who your friends are when you see who shows up to help pack your bull out!


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