Kids hunting boots


Long Time Member
I'll more than likely be taking two of daughters to WY with me this 2011 season. I hate to buy expensive boots and only have them wear them for one season and then out grow them. I thought about buying regular boots and buying heated socks for them. Those of you that have been thru this with kids....what did you do? Thanks.

I got put in time out for a bad signature! Sorry Founder...
I bought my 10 yr old a pair of Vasque breezes and we've gotten two seasons out of them. I don't know what price range your looking at, but these are rugged and water proof. After springing for heated socks you'll be putting a bit away anyway. Buy a bit large and have them wear a couple of wool socks. Kids seem able to get away with a slightly over sized boot than most adults. You want to do all you can to keep their feet dry and warm or it will sour them to the hunt. I've found that those disposable toe warmers work well too.
Buy them a size to big!

Make them wear 2 pairs of socks the first year!

They can wear them a second year!

They don't need to be Danners!:D

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We buy them a size bigger too but also look into the bargin cave at cabelas and other sporting goods stores. With the cheaper boots we do spring for a couple pair of good quality socks though. Makes the kids a tad more comfy. We also did the chemical hand warmers for them really cold day and that was a big boost to their spirits.

Have fun planning.
I have bought some really good boots for my kids off of ebay. Couple times they have been used. I tell my kids they came off some dead guy.
That's hilarious, Paul! I actually looked on ebay and there wasnt as much as I had thought. I don't know if I want to buy used boots anyway. Gives me the willies a little bit. I think I'll do the above mentioned and just buy some decent boots and get them a size too big. Two pairs of socks should help insulate as well. Thanks guys! Shoot....they may have to go barefoot if I'm buying them each goat and deer tags!! Gonna have to do a couple of doe/fawn tags to keep the cost down.

I got put in time out for a bad signature! Sorry Founder...
after the winter season you can find Pac-boots pretty cheap.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Wiz, I got a pair of 9.5 Lowa Rangers for my son for about $70 on ebay. They were used but in great shape. (he beats me to it now, "they came off some dead guy right?")

I also buy them at least 1 size to large, they then wear a sock liner, and 1-2 pairs of socks as needed.
I only have them wear a sock liner if we are hiking more than a few miles.
Occasionally we have some hand me downs and then we give his old boots to some of his friends with smaller feet.
I bought my son a pair of cabelas brand a year ago. One size to big and had him wear an extra pair of socks. This worked out great last season and this season.

For fear of them not fitting this next fall I have placed him on a strict diet as to prevent growth,,, LOL
I guess that could be worth it, Bob. I may have to mix and match a few boots but I'm sure I could make something work out of what's left out there!

I may check out the bargain cave at I never buy boots online anymore as the sizes are somethimes off but if I buy them big it doesn't really matter anyway.

I got put in time out for a bad signature! Sorry Founder...
I haven't read the other posts so if I say something the same forgive me.

I have bought boots for 2 girls. I took them to Sportsmans and Cabelas and they tried on many pairs. My idea was to buy them the best pair of boots that felt good on their feet. One daughter settled on a pair of Georgia's and the other decided on a pair of Danner boots. We did buy them a size bigger and just had them wear thicker socks. I also bought them 400 gram thinsulate. IMO that's the best overall boot. I have not had a single complaint from either of them and both boots wore well. Comfort is the key. Especially if you want them to hunt with you again. They can tolerate the hiking if their feet are warm, dry and feel good.

It's always an adventure!!!

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