Kids Bow?


I've got a ten year old boy that I want to get a bow for Xmas. He's just shy of 5ft tall and 98lbs. I'd like to get a decent bow that isn't too expensive with adjustable draw length that he can use for a couple years. He will mostly be using it for 3D with me but if he's good enoough and the bow is strong enough maybe hunt with later. Anybody have any suggestions??
I think that it would be about impossible to get a bow for a 10 year old boy that he will be able to use for a couple of years. But. . . my little brother had a browning micro adrenaline for a while that had alot of room to grow with him. That thing was fast too, plenty of bow to kill a deer with.
My 12 year old has daughter has been shooting a genesis pro for about 2 years it has tons of adjustment. My wife shoots a Browning micro Midas 3 it has an adjustable draw length from 18 to 28 inches and the draw wt is 30 to 40 lb. I really like the little browning it shoots faster than the hunting bow that I started with back in the 80?s. I didn't like the two-prong rest that came on the browning so I put a whisker biscuit on it. I picked up both bows second hand e/bay &, both were in like new condition. If I had extra money I would get my wife a diamond Edge, The edge is highly adjustable bow that you can trade out the limbs as your young archer grows. They normally are about $300 for a kit, rest sight quiver. You can save about $25 if you get it online or e-bay. A guy had them on archery talk for $275 shipped. I hope this helps and is not useless information. Like stated above its best to get help from a pro shop just don't let them needlessly empty your pocket book.
its not to cheap but a martin cheetah it has a draw wt of 45-60 and a 27-28 draw length
I have a ten year old daughter. Last year I bought her a Mathews Genesis and equiped it with a sight and a Whisker Biscuit. She really loves that bow. I figure that the bow is designed for learning to shoot rather than hunting, but it will get her by until she's old and strong enough to be able to handle a hunting bow. Nice thing about the Genesis is that it's not only adjustable, but it's the bow used in the National Archery in the Schools Program.
Look in to the Odyssey II from Bear, they have a lot of draw adjustment (13-28). The 50# model will turn way down. My 6 year old shoots one, and it seems to be pretty good. It comes with sights, whisker biscuit, quiver, and three arrows for a reasonable price. The sights aren't the best but you can upgrade them. I think it is a great little bow, because of the adjustment, it can last a kid along time. None of the other bows I have looked at have near the adjustments that this one has.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-09-07 AT 03:11PM (MST)[p]Here is my totally and absolutely worthless comment--------------There are a lot of great beginner bows out there. Mathews has a couple with the Genesis and Genesis Pro. Bear also has some good ones. Make sure that you get something that he can easily pull. Nothing will turn a kid off faster then a bow that they cant pull back without help. Stop by a shop and let him try a couple out and see what he likes best. Most of the local shops will have a few different brands that you can try. Letting him help out in the process will make it an even better experience for him.

Good Luck

i promise you that i wasn't ripping anyone. i know there are alot of compitent archers on here, but i was just giving the best advice that i thought i could give. if my post wasn't deleted, then i could explain myself. but i wasn't ripping anyone.

the only eagle with enough power and speed to kill and gut you with one shot
I agree with adamsoa although there has been some good replys. Get your boy in a shop and have him hold and try different bows. No matter how you cut it, you'll be paying for a long time , but in my mind it's money well spent.I have it just a bit easier as I spent a bit of money on 3 different bows for my 15 year old that my 9 year old can now shoot.But sooner or later I'm buying another new bow. I'm still shooting a BowTech Liberty VFT I got in 05 just to upgrade for my older one.Geeze bows cost some bucks eh...
On another note too , some pro shops have slightly used youth bows as kids out grow them fast and sometimes the bow is hardly used , I know this from experiance....Best of luck....Larry
DryGulch wrote:

Look in to the Odyssey II from Bear, they have a lot of draw adjustment (13-28). The 50# model will turn way down. My 6 year old shoots one, and it seems to be pretty good. It comes with sights, whisker biscuit, quiver, and three arrows for a reasonable price. The sights aren't the best but you can upgrade them. I think it is a great little bow, because of the adjustment, it can last a kid along time. None of the other bows I have looked at have near the adjustments that this one has.

+1, That's a great bow and tons of draw weight adjustment. That would be my #1 choice. He could use it for several years to come.

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