Kids and Boogers!


Very Active Member
I have five kids, all under the age of 10, including a foster daughter and they all seen to have the "pick the nose and eat it" issue. No matter what my wife and I say to them, they must LOVE the taste of those things!

Our 10yr old daughter seems to have broken the habbit, but the rest...

Oh and no, the parents aren't being a bad influence when it comes to this :)

Let me know you've done, and what works!

LAST EDITED ON Apr-06-08 AT 07:28PM (MST)[p]
Man, i'm sorry, i shouldn't be laughing so hard......

but so close to the last meals thread....

i dont have any kids that i know of, so no advice from me, sorry. good luck with this.

kids are so damn funny!!!!

edit: you could put big chunks of cork on their finger the movie dirty rotten scoundrels, and steve martins character and the fork, only it'd be on their fingers.

just today i was waching a movie with my 7 year old boy and had to tell him to stop picken your nose at least 5 times.
See, this is a glass half full vs. half empty situation. Just be glad they aren't wiping that on your sofa or carpet. At least you don't run the risk of sitting in it once it goes down. :) Just tell them it's healthy for them and try and encourage eating it...they will stop if it is something you want them to do :) I'm saying it is just something that they grow out of sooner or later. Some will sooner, some will later.
how bout this....make a scene everytime you catch them doing it, like yell to your wife" hey honey, kid #3 just ate a big ole booger! Go bring me the camera, i'll see if i can get her to eat another one!"

and the more public the place the better!

i dont know just thinking out loud here.

they and all never stop the Mexican in us all!
the big thing is getting caught!
Ummmmmmmmmmmm.......LAST ONE TASTED LIKE PRINGLES CHIPS........!
you can try however it's an issue not worth the effort!
But next time you catch em' digging try burying one of your finger up to the 2nd knuckle and then say here I'll find ya one!
I have a daughter that would pick her nose in bed and wipe it on the wall just above her pillow! Maybe saving them for later? I don't know. It's just plain gross though.

One time I dated a woman who had a 9 year old son who would wet the bed, and wet his pants in general. One time we were driving on a trip and he wet his pants in the car. He never told us that he had to pee until I asked him when we had stopped at a gas station. Thats when he tld me that he peed his pants. Well I got on to him in front of my friend, his wife and little girl. My girlfriend was mad at me for scolding him in front of other people but funny thing is that he never peed his pants or bed ever again. A little embarrasement goes a long ways. fatrooster.
When i was a very young deer spotter/helper for my dad, i noticed a big ugly grub looking thing crawling out the nose of a bucks head that dad had killed the evening before. i remember it like yesterday but i could not have been over 8 years old.

When i showed him, he said something to the effect that they live in the deers nose and i'll get them too if i keep picking boogers. White lie?, yes. It worked! Probably was a long time until i picked boogers again and i am still reminded of it on occations such as this.

Kids and boogers laughing mao, You can't stop it. It is a force bigger than us.
I would rather see them eat them than collect them. My daughter's friend has a booger collection. She counted 112 of them spaced nicely and evenly.
You know what's funny to watch is a kid that picks his/her nose and doesn't know their being watched. They'll dig and dig until they get a good one. Then they'll look at it and maybe start rolling it between their thumb and forfinger. Look at it....roll it around a little more until they get bored and wipe it on whatever they're sitting on! Frickin' hilarious!

I think a threw up a little in my mouth.

I just laughed out loud at work too.

My kids seemed to out grow it, or they hide it better.
Reminds me of Caddyshack when the caddies are watching the rich kid pick his nose and taking bets on if he will eat it or not.
Funny movie.

Take a kid hunting. You will enjoy it more than they do!
I only out grew the eating and or saving parts. Come on im not scared to admit that sometimes a good picking just feels good.

Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave in a well preserved body, but to skid in sideways totally worn out shouting HOLY SH!T WHAT A RIDE!!!
I can't stop laughing at this. Only post I ever had first hand knowledge of. My 4 yr old son is a booger factory. If he could type I know damn well he post something on the 'Last Meal' thread. Man I love that lil guy............

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