LAST EDITED ON Mar-07-10 AT 03:04PM (MST)[p]Sorry,title should read: EDWARDS/KESLOWSKI

Paybacks are a beach,ain't they?
Glad everybody is OK.
I don't mind seeing a little action as long as nobody gets hurt,but I think NASCAR is going to SQUEEZE a little harder on this one!
Well,think about it..................
Edwards got nudged by Keslowski earlier in the race.
Edwards never swerved to bump Keslowski,just too bull headed to lift his right foot,yes Edwards was basically just doing a payback........
Glad nobody got hurt!
They sure have improved the safety of these cars in just the last few years.
ol cousin carl sure is a p.o.s. if you watch all the replays they showed of their first get together brad couldnt get any lower than he was without spinning out and carl just came down on him then blamed brad for not giving him any room. nascar should make carl sit out for at least one race like they did to harvick a few years ago for aggresive driving.payback is one thing if your racing for position and someone has gave you the boot in the past but when your 150+ laps down and you take out a top 5 car that is just b.s.
If you see the replay again, look through Edwards windshield at his gloves. You can see them turn the wheel to the right just before taking out Keslowski. He did it on purpose.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-08-10 AT 09:51AM (MST)[p]Cousin Carl has always been a Dbag. To intentionaly wreck a top 10 car when you are down 156 laps is ridiculous. I thought the previous two accidents involving Edwards and Keselowski were both Carls fault, he came down on Keselowski both times.

Horsetooth Edwards should be suspended for at least one race.
No doubt it was totally intentional - kind of sickening if you ask me. There was a lot of track around both of them - no reason for a car down 156 laps to be that close even - but that is racing. It is the same thing that has been going on since the beginning of the sport. Somebody always ends up taking it too far - but they will get over it and continue racing. I believe Edwards may be suspended at least one race, if not two for being so deliberate.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
so if they don't make the penalty stiff enough, couldn't later in the season, if two guys are battling for points someone could just take the guy out for ya. ce61
LAST EDITED ON Mar-09-10 AT 06:55AM (MST)[p]Funny part is(well not really funny)when Dale Sr use to pull this crap everybody thought it was OK
Again,just glad nobody got hurt.
How bout last year when KESLOWSKI done it himself,did everybody forget?
With the CHASE set up the way it is now I think most Drivers know if there is even one inncident they're are basically out of the CHASE,so I think it's pretty easy to see where Carls tude comes from.

EDIT: On another Note:NASCAR ought to have their heads examined for running tail fins like that,(it's nothing more than a big air scoop)them guys get turned around they're gonna lift big time & go teats up every time,mark my word on it.

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