Kaycee,deer heards



thinking about hunting there next year,just wondering about the deer heards around kaycee.how is the quality of deer,what can person expect in quality and numbers and size any heip would be nice thanks
Look for another area as there better areas. Lot of private land there.

+1 On that. If you get access on a good ranch maybe good hunting but thats tough to get and will cost you.

>Look for another area as there
>better areas. Lot of
>private land there.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-25-12 AT 05:25PM (MST)[p]I hunted the Gordon Ranch several years ago and had an O.K. hunt,took a 26 inch 3X4,but have heard in recent years quallity and numbers both suffer.
thanks guy's i have chance to hunt on a ranch (free) but i don't want to drive 20 hrs and spend 350 for tag if it any good mybe i should try the elk hunting
If I had the chance to hunt a private ranch for free ,I would give it a try.Deer are down ,but that don't mean there are not any.There is some good bucks still left arround,especially on the private land. The ranch owner should be able to give you an idea of what is there.Good luck with your decision.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-26-12 AT 03:31PM (MST)[p]+1 Whiterock. If you have a chance to hunt on a ranch there must be someone (rancher, the person who's inviting you, etc.. ??) who could give you an idea whats there. Otherwise its pure speculation. Population and quality varies hugely from place to place.
i have been out in the oil feild for some work and seen some nice bucks running around. also on the river.. i cant remember the riverbottom through there, also i have seen some nice bucks hit on the interstate..

altough i havent been back to that part of the state for 2 years now
Do you remember if many of the deer you saw were whitetails? When I hunted on the ranch by there,almost 3/4 of the deer I saw were whitetail and the rancher hated them.
the oil field was 15-20 miles past kaycee and i seen all mule deer.

lot of land in that part of the state, and whitetails heck ya.. i enjoy seeing the whitetails, i know a lot of guys hate them but them critters can adapt to any type enviroment.

i been getting a lot of muleys moving onto our land and they seem to be getting along with the whitetails very well..
Whiterock, how long ago did you hunt the Gordon Ranch? I used to hunt there quite a bit, but it's been a long time since our last trip there, about 10 or more years ago. A buck the size of the one you shot there is about as big as any of their deer ever get because they shoot so many deer. It was a nice place though, and the Tolmans were wonderful people. My son shot his very first animal, a pronghorn with his bow, at 12 years old; on that ranch. The next year, he killed a nice whitetail buck with his bow within sight of the Tolman's living room window. Ray actually sat and watched him shoot it from his easy chair.

I'd love to hear anything you can share about that place. PM me if more appropriate.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-02-12 AT 04:07AM (MST)[p]I can't remember the exact year I was there ,but it was before Wyoming started the point system for drawing a tag.
I was there the third week of the season.We camped down by the river where my wife enjoyed a week of trout fishing.It would be worth going back just for the fishing.
I took my buck right across the road from where we camped ,almost on top of the mountain.I left camp that morning at 3:30 AM and headed up to be on top by day light.I remember I saw probably 50 deer that morning ,but only one good buck.He is still on my living room wall.
When we woke the next morning a herd of 100 or more elk had moved onto the hay field .They stayed there all day and when we woke the following day they were all gone.
A young fellow from Wisconsin took a big 10 point whitetail on the hay field the last day we were there.Very happy young man.

Wyoming Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Badger Creek Outfitters

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Urge 2 Hunt

We focus on trophy elk, mule deer, antelope and moose hunts and take B&C bucks most years.

J & J Outfitters

Offering quality fair-chase hunts for trophy mule deer, elk, and moose in Wyoming.

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