Kaption Kontest


Long Time Member
These kind of photos always bring out our many fine friends in law enforcement here.

That's just 1911 whiling away the hours on duty. He's not eating, he's got his "O face" on. Thankfully we can't see his hands.
I love my new doughnut holder, stack em on

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
Nice responses as always guys. RELH isn't going to like these :)

"Tempting disaster, Officer Tingle puts trust in his department-issue Depends and nods off after a Grand Slam Breakfast and a side of donuts"
I'm gonna take a Nap!

It'll take em an Hour to make as many Donuts as I need!:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And a good BBQ!
I am Medicine And I am Poison!
"Officer Krank quietly slipped away shortly after negotiating Bubbles release."

At Mary Jane's donut shop we sell special brownies and all the chairs come with seat belts.Proudly serving the Berkley police department for 25 years.

This reminds me of this year hunting in a state that will remain nameless we were driving across the low country heading to a place we wanted to glass at dusk I saw a fish and game rig heading perpendicular to our road and I just figured he was gonna check our license and such .

Well he stopped at the intersection of our road and as we approached I could see he was parked in the road going left of the road we were on and that was where I wanted to go so I pulled in behind him and waited a few minutes but he didn't move so I figured maybe they had an investigation going on or a bust so I started to leave but then I really wanted to go down that way so I decided to go see what was up.

When I walked up to the window with my dad we saw he was asleep! After a good laugh I knocked on the window and he rolled it down and we had a nice conversation about the local deer herd and wolves and so on and strangely the fact that he was sleeping in the truck with it still in drive and his foot on the brake and in the middle of the road. LOL

I thought about taking a pic but just didn't have the heart as he may have been up for hours and possibly all night doing his job and as it turned out he was a really good guy as with most game wardens I have met. But I bet you won't see that on Wild Justice!


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