
Guess it was bound to happen. Stuff starts getting dicey when somebody gets a mug shot posted.

Still pretty amusing in my book!

I thought it was a good idea to show the thief! i bet he never does it again out of fear! i think they should of left it up but hell what do i know.
I'm sure the doc was throwing a fit about how his reputaion is now tarnished and how he can possibly sue MM over it. I think the Mods were looking out for MM's best interests. People will sue over anything now days. I think I was a great idea to post it though!

"I shoot at wolves, I don't dance with them." :)
Stands With A Fist
You can still find it if you know where to look. It might not be on this site any longer, but it can be found if you try.
I thought it was a great thread and sorry to see it go. IMO, he did it! He even admitted viewing the card. That in itself was wrong, he should know that, and beg forgiveness for doing so. Instead he launches an attack... the nerve!

I've worked with guys that feel nothing of looking thru windows when painting the outside of a house, go in peoples bedrooms when there to fix the plumbing in the kitchen, open someones refer unit to see what's inside,...things like that. Me, i have no interest in something that's not my own. If someone wants to show me something, fine. Otherwise what's mine is mine and your stuff is yours.

You can't sue anyone for publicly posting a pix or telling the truth when you have the hard cold facts and evidence in your possession, look at all the mugshots of people on the news that have been caught by camera committing various crimes.

They are in the act of a crime, caught red handed on film....it becomes public awareness at that point.

I say repost the picture and get his face all over the net and catch this thief, he's a disgrace to all hunters and outdoor enthusiests.

Oh Slam, yes you can sue them. SLANDER. He has not been proven guilty in a court of law yet basically is what it comes down to. Sure the cold hard facts are there, but I look at it from an attorneys standpoint. He could sue for sure of slander and tarnishing his reputation. Ya, he is guilty as sin to me and others, but MM did the right thing to cover there butts on a lawsuit. I hate thieves and they should all be hung... but, I have been here before, some people know how to work the system and use the right words. This Dr. is it, I am sure he has attorneys and money. If he is anything like the psyco I knew of once in my past who did something sort of like this, he could do it.

"I shoot at wolves, I don't dance with them." :)
Stands With A Fist
Yes Slam BHWAR is exactly right. That is why most of the time when you see an act of crime on TV, the perpetrator's face is blurred out. The one's that aren't, either have already been convicted, or made some sort of deal with the production company. Although I hated to see it go, MM did the VERY wise thing by nuking that thread.

Piper, how's your period?
She's right, you can sue. However, in a slander case, truth is considered the perfect defense. You will never lose a case, if you can prove you told the truth. I'd say there is pretty strong evidence the guy did it.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
The one item that bothered me about this incident was that the suspect claimed to be a member of several hunting organzations and admitted to tampering with another person's trail camera.
He sure is a piss poor example for those hunting organzations and should be required to resign from them as a member. Makes me wonder if he set up his hunting blind as a direct result of the pictures he saw on the trail camera and "MAY" have taken the card to prevent the camera owner from knowing about a possible trophy animal in the area.
I would not do anything to damage his hunting blind, but I would be tempted to purchase some mountain lion scent agent and put it around that area several days prior to the opening and again just the night before and let him injoy his long set in the blind staring at the trees. Must be the get even hillbilly blood in me.

Dang it!
I've been up in the hills this AM.
Haven't checked the board.

What did I miss? Details?!

>Dang it!
>I've been up in the hills
>this AM.
>Haven't checked the board.
>What did I miss? Details?!

Oh man Chef, you missed a classic!!!
Your right gb22, that's actually how i should have worded it.

Anyone can sue anyone for anything, but when the hard core facts and evidence is right there in your hand, it would be pretty tough to win a slander suit.


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