Kali Tag Fees??


Long Time Member
So after 23 years of waiting and faithfully putting in for another antelope tag here in our "very diversified" state, i finally beat the odds and won one of 8 tags in my zone. I received the letter today saying that i need to send in $126.25 by 7/12 to verify and actually get my tag in hand.

OK, As a resident, i'm curious what other guys have to pay for lope tags in their own state?? Seems to me that i near won the lottery by getting this tag, now i find out that i get to pay another $126.25

I've had a real good spring and headed into summer, the work keeps coming in so it's not the money so much, it'll get sent in all right, but it seems to me that they could give the lucky few residents who faithfully support these programs by their application fees and then finally do draw one of these "rumored" tags, a break and decent price.

How much is it for a resident lope tag in your state?? Lets take a look see! Thanks!! :)

The price here wouldn't bother me.
But the fact of knowing if I'm gonna try & draw a Deer tag & then an Elk tag that pretty well puts me out of ever drawing a Lope tag ever again.
ShortCreek, Yes a Elk tag would be sweet! Heck, any tag is nice to get, even those that don't over subscribe.

I don't vacation much except hunting season. I shut the shop down and go every year no matter what! Years with good tags though, i just put in more effort and look forward to the hunt that much more.

I actually felt pretty good about drawing a good tag this year. One of our MM guys actually told me, i think it was Larrbo, that i was gonna draw a lope tag this year. Next year, i'll have to remind him to tell me that i'm gonna draw a sheep tag!! :)

Make no mistake, I despise EVERYTHING that California does in regards to our Fish & Game services, so I am not defending the tag fee.

That said, I would submit, that if you counted ALL the Pronghorn in Calif....live in the wild, live in zoos and dead on walls, you wouldn't have as many total, as some counties in Wyoming, Montana, Idaho or Colorado.

It is a supply and demand thing, I guess. I am suprised the state allows us to hunt them at all.
Joey, if you get "lucky" the resident elk tag fee is $379.25. Ouch!

Maybe you're like me and didn't get the memo, "Everyone in Kali is rich". :)


Good luck on your hunt. Are you taking the doll with you? If not Eel wants to borrow it for the week.

Thanks guys! After further reflection, i'm just going to pay and like it. Zone 5 is within an hour of my home, couldn't hardly have a more reasonable cost trip!

Overton, Once you guys pit-bull your teeth into something...

Actually i haven't seen the thing since JB's last visit. I'm not saying that he took it home with him but that's all i had for him as a air mattress, he said he never slept better!!

Longun, Might be seeing your cousin Charley Hawkins sooner rather than later!! :)

Nickman, +1

Eel, +1

LAST EDITED ON Jun-26-10 AT 07:19PM (MST)[p]"If it makes you feel any better I have to send them $1172.50"

Ben, i told you that even though Uncle Ted got away with it, you can't shoot spikes in Kali and not get a ticket!! J/K

What are those fees for??? Sounds like it ought to be good!!

Hey sage,
Sounds like you might have to call that chick down the street & tell her you need to make a couple of 'service calls',lol!}>}>}>

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
hay Manny!! I mean Sage I paid for Resi Elk and two stinky tags in six years AND WAS GLAD too!!(could not afford gas to scout because it was 4 bucks a gallon)......
just sneak around at night(Obama)and center punch a half dozen pipes around town you know the rest homes (not the ones where Kilowatt and Eelgrass cruz for hot (yet so winked arse) chick's!,(Obama) local churches, mayors house and pass your tags fee along....

LAST EDITED ON Jun-26-10 AT 11:49PM (MST)[p]Manny?? WTF?

Rack, You can call me Manny if it pleases you i guess. I like the guy myself. I know fer fact that he's good people and a heck of a hunter.

As far as padding my accounts, i could do that every single day but could not live with myself. A lot of the regular customers/clients that i have accumulated, trust me, my judgment, and skills, unconditionally. I rarely, if ever, suggest that they pay me to do something that's not absolutely in their best interests. Maybe that's why my business has been struggling to stay afloat...but i can hold my head up, knowing that i do my best to treat people right!!

sounds like a KFC commerical "we do chic___"! oh forget it!
glad your honest..!
nice to hear(Obama)that! your hunt will be fun!!!
killing in shorts and sun screen!


I'm jokin with ya!
I hope you know that?
When you see: }>}>}> you should know what I'm sayin?

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Here Joey...found a goat for you... maybe a few miles out of your zone and state though...Sorry its a crappy pic but he has at least 2 inch ivory tips...Good Luck and if you do see cousin Chaz tell him Hi for me..
Antelope and elk tags are very hard to draw here in CA. I have yet to draw and have put in like you, for a very long time. I see them both locally on private ranches every week.
Resident fees here are not too bad compared to out of state tags fees in many states, which do have many more tags and animals, hence the much better draw odds.

Stop Global Whining
my daughter and i both drew zone 4 antelope tags this year.it is her first antelope tag and she is only 17 years old but it is my second tag in the last 5 years. we both had 4 points and we put in as a party i put her as the party leader and the rest is history. well we will gladly send in the tag fees and hopefully have an awesome time any hunt with your kids is worth the cost whatever they may be
Don't complain, when I get drawn for Bull Elk in Nevada "next" year, it'll cost me $1200.00 dollars. Besides the state is broke and you need to do the "right" thing and help them out. The DFG is only looking out for your best interest!

Thanks Brownie

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