Kaiparowits Plateau - Help



I used to hunt the area south of Escalante when I was a kid and my Grandpa used to ranch the area. We had a good time but only ever saw 2 bucks in all our time hunting down there. This was prior to the area being designated a national monument during Bill Clinton's tyrannical rule. It was also prior to having to apply for tags. Most of my family gave up on hunting except for me, and I have hunted elsewhere because I decided I wanted to actually see some deer. I have been successful hunting other units since those days, but this year I have been contemplating returning to give the desert canyons another try, but with a muzzleloader this time. Since it has been more than 10 years since hunting the area (and only with a rifle back then), I was hoping someone on this site might be able to help with my decision. I realize the boulders on the northern side of the unit hold most of the deer, but I am more interested in hunting the plateau and canyons between Escalante and Lake Powell. I went out last fall, just to see how the area looked and it was dry, even drier than the usual dry, or so it seemed. But there was still water in a few spots.

I am hoping that someone on this forum might be able to offer some advice on the current status of the area. I am quite familiar with the area and want to focus my efforts around the Collet Top area. I didn't see any cattle out there when I went, but it appeared to still be an operational ranch. I found working water developments, which was a good sign, but no fresh deer sign. Do the deer out there migrate down the canyons for the winter or do they stay on top? It's not high-elevation but the canyons would have water and a little bit of feed through the cold months. I have to think that they do migrate like they do on the Pauns, but on a much smaller scale. Hopefully someone on here can help.

Thanks for any help.
I hunted it last year ( all my life for that matter). I didn't have any luck but I had a great time. I saw a few deer and a few people but the deer herd is pretty poor overall. The deer do migrate but it seems after the rut when most move from the Boulder into that country from my experience. There are still cattle ranchers in the area but water is still scarce. Sounds like you already know it's low numbers of deer and until the habitat and water situation get better it will stay that way or get worse. It was 10 times better 10 years ago. Good luck to ya whatever you do.
I also have hunted there 5 or 6 times in the last 20 years. The deer have declined to almost none. I killed a good one in there in the beginning but none since. I tried again 2 years ago on the muzz. hunt. there was no sign of any hunters.I did cut one deer track and after following it for hours I finally got a look at him. Just a 3 pt. about 22 in. That was the only deer I saw.It was so hot I could smell the rubber on my boots burning. The year I killed the buck was the end of the rifle hunt and it stormed like crazy. I was stuck in my little tent for 3 days. When I finally got out to hunt there was water gushing everywhere and 3 in. of fresh snow. Tracks were easy to follow.I had at least 4 bucks going. The biggest one got away but I got the 2nd. biggest one I saw. I think very few hunters go there anymore. If I were to go back I would do the rifle and hope for cooler weather.If you insist on trying it send me a P.M. I would be happy to chat with you.

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