K+K tripods


Active Member
Ok so I pilfered enough $ without wifely knowledge to get the k+k shorty tripod. Went to S/W and took my bogen and big scope set up on the floor and looked at sales girls... I mean sales signs thru both. Tapped on the k+k and it wiggled all over while the bogen was like a rock. And this was on concrete not at treeline with a stiff wind. I left without the tripod resigned to carry this heavy weight thing up hill and down on my sheep hunt. Has any one had this experience besides me? I just couldn't justify 300 for an unstable tripod- although the weight was great- about 1/2 the bogen's. I checked out a couple carbon fiber tiny little things for even more money but they weren't big enough to use sitting up which for me means they aren't going to be used as lying down isn't comfy for long periods of time. Any advice would be helpful- the scope is a swaro 20-60x80.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-08-07 AT 05:12PM (MST)[p]Check out the outdoorsmans tripods. They have three different sizes to choose from and are very sturdy for being so light weight. No matter how you look at it though, if you want to save weight your gonna loose stability. Although I found the outdoorsmans tripods very sturdy and about as lightweight as you can get. Are you using an angled or straight scope? Are you sitting on the ground or in a chair or stool? Many other brands also sell different sizes of tripods also. Velbon and Slik are two namebrands that many people have talked highly about on this site. I've even used Walmart tripods which also come in three sizes and work well. I also owne the Bogen and use thier pistol grip. The pistol grip alone is a big, heavy thing. Of all the tripods I've used the Outdoorsmans is my favorite by a long shot. Made for hunters by hunters. Outdoorsmans.com

Today I went to Sportsman's Warehouse to compare the K&K to my Outdoorsman. The Outdoorsman is lighter in ounces, but the K&K is lighter on the wallet. The Outdoorsman has better grips on the botton of the legs, allowing it to be balanced on most any terrain.

The K&K is a nice tripod and comes with a pistol grip head that seems pretty good. Given that the K&K is less $$$ than the Outdoorsman, and with an Outdoorsman you must purchase the pistol head separately, I think the K&K is a very good value.

Like most optics decisions, it really comes down to a budget. I don't think you would regret either one and will get years of great use out of either of them.

Happy Hunting!

"Hunt when you can - You're gonna' run out of health before you run out of money!"
I use the Slik Carbon Fiber 713 Pro. $219.95 (1/2 the price of the Outdoorsman) and just as steady as the outdoorsman, lighter, and goes up as high. I also have the Bogen 3001BN and find the Slik 713 tripod just as steady and a lot lighter. It also goes up higher than the Bogen. Everyone I've turned on to this tripod has loved it and these guys have the money to buy anything out there. This tripod is the best at any price. Mail order from B&H photo for the price above.
Hey Squirrel,
I think both makers make a great Tripod being the exception that the K&K is half the price. I have been using K&K w/ Swarovski 15x56 Bino's and 20x60x65 Spotter and have never had a problem. Maybe you got a bad one? You know they make three different sizes.
Now as far as comparing a light weight Tripod to a heavy weight tripod I think that would be like comparing a full size truck to a small truck- you get what you pay for!
Good Luck!
Thanks for the replies guys, maybe I should have asked for another k+k to try out- it could have been a loose ball head or simply needed adjustment- my bogen went south on me on a coues hunt once due to abuse and desert grit. All I had to do to make it jiggle was tap the scope with one finger tip, and not very hard either, and it would vibrate for several seconds. This was on the sales floor concrete, should have been solid there if it ever would be. Next time to the big city I'll give a longer look and ask to go outside. Does sportsmans warehouse sell the slik tripods? It's not really about the $ as long as the mrs. doesn't find out, I can afford what I want, I just can't justify spending several hundred and not getting what I want. On the other hand I dread carrying that heavy bogen up the sheep hills even though it's solid as a rock.

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