
Anyone from around K-FALLS area know if the sage rats are out,
I'm get'n a itchy trigger finger, got the 17hmr and 223 ready to go.
Thinking after this weather clears and warms up a bit they should start popping out of their holes.
Here in Crook County they've been out for a few weeks, they're all out by now.
They WERE out. Looks like snow all weekend and even the E. Bunny is in trouble Sunday.
Going to have to wait till next week anyway, to much to do this weekend.
Shots are 150 yds- or less so wind is no problem, 17hmr is good out to that.. 223 for the longer shots.
I went out sat. to K- FALLS, checked out several different spots and not much was out, shot a few rats but the weather gave us fits, sunny one minute, and cloudy and windy the next.
I think things might pick up in 2-3 weeks, ranchers are just starting to turnover and seed the fields so it's a little early yet.
Did get one rockchuck at about 100 yds with the 17hmr.

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