Just Sharted!!


Long Time Member
So, there I am out in the parking lot, raking up some leaves at the restaurant we own, and I try to squeak one out. I kind of notice a problem as I'm doing so as the fart isn't just popping out as usual. Then it hits me.....I just sharted. So, I hit the restroom, clean up, head home and change. I just had to let you guys know what happened because I think it's pretty damn funny. This has not happened to me in years! Enjoy!! I gotta go back to work...

T&A Inspector
Uhhhmmm yeah, didn't really need to know that one.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I hate to admit it but not too long ago I went down for a power nap before work, woke up just long enough to push out a little squeaker and wound up having to change the bed and take an early shower.

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

At first i thought it was a typo...'Just Sharted'...i mistook it thinking it should of been...'Just Started" thinking that maybe you had 'Just Started' your hunt or something.

But now that i think about it more i guess it really has 'Just Started' hasn't it?

One word.....Depends!!
$hitty post


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
About 2 weeks ago at work I got real bad stomach cramps... which worked their way lower. I thought it was gas so I grunted one out with pleasure but to my horror is was the squirts. Made a dash for the restroom. Undies were shot, covered in brown slime... they went in the trash. Washed the effected area of my pants in the sink, papertowel dried them and put them back on and retreated to my office for 3-4 hours until things dried out enough. Times like that I'm thankful to go in at 5:00 am before the masses have arrived.
Feleno- Thats a rivetting story. Except for the really gay part where you call your underwear "undies". :)

T&A Inspector
Well ain't that the shyts!

Someone needs to stick something up your asses to stop the leak.

Zigga, your services are needed!

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

Hdude, Lil' Jimmy wants his share!
I bet f ers wife was pissed when she found out he ruined another pair of superman undies and stain resistant Dockers
>I bet f ers wife was
>pissed when she found out
>he ruined another pair of
>superman undies and stain resistant

Another reason to leave her at the gas station. I am happy the hunting season is upon us so we no longer have to talk about crapping our pants !!!
At my age, one of my main goals for the day, is to chit ANYWHERE besides my pants!...........if you all live long enough!
I had my own chit story. About 10 years ago I was working on my Grandfathers(he was 85 years old abd tough a nails) farm and A hydrlick hose broke and sprayed me with oil so I told him I was going home to clean up and he said no!! You stay here and clean up and you can wear a pair of my jeans. So I cleaned up and put on his jeans and went back to work. After about 2 hrs of somthing rubbing and bothering my skin I took the pants off to find a dried up turd stuck to the inside of the pant leg. Oh it still grosses my out today!!!

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
and I was just about to call you with the secret short cut into yellow jacket springs...and you pull this....

Wiz with my extensive medical knowledge gleaned from reruns of House I would have to say you have Krohns disease. Sorry dude but without treatment you only have about 35 years to live. With treatment you should be dead in about a year. Take all of your money and spend it on booze and women now.
Look at the amount of TP that guys has! Hes f'ed! That guy must've eaten some of Rugarms wifes Rhubarb Pie.

13er- I wiped shortly afterwards.....we're all good. So, about Yellow Jacket Springs....

Dried chit in the pantleg? That's disgusting!

T&A Inspector
Awhile back I ask my little grandaughter "what are you going to do today sweetheart?" she said "hopefully poop in the potty grandpa"

Obviously my 2 1/2 year old grandaughter is more mature and has more control than several of you axxwipes!

By the way, I have had the whiskey shats but never bragged about it on the internet.

As long as we're on topic, when was the last time your wife slapped you 'cause she had to clean up the mess from your wet dream? Jeezus what a bunch of maroons!

First off, Slick.....you just bragged on the internet about having the Whiskey shats. Secondly, I can't quite firgure out what a maroon is. I've heard of the band "Maroon 5". Any relation in your use of the word? :)

T&A Inspector

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