Just One This Time...



only picked up one rack this last trip out, went through an area that had already been covered a few times but i found a big 7pt there last year so wanted to try to get lucky and pick up something that others left, ended up only getting one, still a pretty good find.

Scored it right at 161", no match for it though, 3rd is 22".

UFO? no its just the "flying saucer", a guzler out in the woods back home.

thats a great shed..some awesome thirds for sure.. That UFO is spooky. Thanks for the pics
Later, Brandon
Good find, nice, nice thirds on that shed. You just never know what you can find? The largest shed antler I ever found was in an area that had been grided out pretty hard by a "quads" (the guys in my area who always claim to "walk the hell out of it")....low and behold a nice big white button from the bottom of a rack was pointing out from under a thick juniper. I had thought they found the other side to it, as by the gridding configuration of the quad tracks, but I found the other side to this antler a couple months back about a quater mile away???!!! I guess you just got to have the eye for it.

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