Just Moved to Price Ut.!



I just moved myself and family to Price Utah. I was just wondering how many guys on here were from the area. Need to find me someone that wont be afraid to help me out a little since I dont know the area.

Anyone out there from Price or round about.

unfortunately you will probably have more success finding locals on another website. I would try something related to nascar or mid 80's camaros and firebirds.

"If God didn't want us to eat animals, then why did He make them out of meat?"
~Ted Nugent

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
LESGO, with your caps for emphasis you sound like you have something against Price, Utah. Have you lived there?
So how big is your trailer?

Do you still have to go to Helper to find ladies of the evening?

Dude if it doesn't work out you can always move the the family to Vernal or Butte Mt.

You will enjoy Price and there are plenty of outdoor activities to keep you busy all year long. Best of all it is not as crowded as the Wasatch Front(streets and mountains).

I was raised there and can second the statement to stay away from road signs, I guess it is their form of road hunting.

And to whoever thinks there are still ladies in Helper for hire, that ended in the 70s. Downtown Helper is worth a stop to see the mining and railroad museum.
Jeff, check out this coordinate (N39 31' 54.09", W110 28'29.31"). It's a great area if you like pronghorns with extra eyes and legs.

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