Just had to do it.

Phantom Hunter

Very Active Member
Since it was snowing heavily here in West Texas (very unususal) and the house was full of kin-folk, I just had to saddle up my horse and take a ride. Snow was wet, but enjoyed the ride. Happy Thanksgiving to all.

Phantom Hunter
Just got off the phone with Fam in Portales snowing like crazy there too. Then i call my buddy whos place i just hunted in Co. We were in t-shirts during the hunt on Sun. Snowin there too, someone please shot mother nature.
Would have loved to have done the same! Sounds like a great ride.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
LAST EDITED ON Nov-23-07 AT 11:31AM (MST)[p]Roy,

Did the snow get down your way? Supposed to get another round of snow/rain starting tonight and going into Sunday am. Earliest snow to accumulate in many years.

Phantom Hunter
>AT 11:31?AM (MST)

>Did the snow get down your
>way? Supposed to get
>another round of snow/rain starting
>tonight and going into Sunday
>am. Earliest snow to
>accumulate in many years.
>Phantom Hunter

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