Just got my local tax bill!!!!



LAST EDITED ON Oct-30-07 AT 09:08PM (MST)[p]Just got my property tax bill here's what I pay as a property owner of a tiny little ancient cabin house. . . numbers are percentages, not dollars. . .
General fund 6.55
Roads 5.72
Bridge 1.21
Weeds 0.42
County court 1.13
Library 1.05
Ambulance 0.21
Senior citizens 0.16
Police 4.05
Museum 0.37
G.O Bond Debt 2.63
Jail Construction 2.55
Airport Commission 0.33
Cemetery 0.53
Hospital 2.10
Glacier Park Lights 5.72
Solid Waste 11.77
Agency Conservation 0.28

What's missing?

Federal income tax, SS, water and sewer, gas, and I'm sure a few more that I missed.

I'd like to see what others are buying for their communities. . .

Post-um if you got-um. . .
Bitching about your taxes doesn't make you a right winger, it makes you a hypocrit. You love big government but don't like to pay for it with your own money. wa, wa, wa, wa.

You must be bragging...right? That's ridiculously low. I paid over 17,000 just in fed income tax. That's the amount that I couldn't find right offs for.
Nothing looks too bad about those numbers....
I just had my stinkin' garbage picked up and hauled away for
me. Sure beats burnin' it!
I'm interested in what others are buying with their LOCAL taxes, not bitching about it, I need to pay my share of the bills. Also, those are percentages, not dollars. . .
As far as complaining goes, I will complain. There is no reason to pay that much tax. The founding fathers of this country had a revolution because of being taxed without representaion. That tax was only 2%. It is estimated that we pay about .50 on the dollar if you add all the different taxes we pay. And I bet most would say that they feel the politicians in office don't represent them. If some of our government agencies had to compete in a competitive market they wouldn't last a month.
We need to privatize some of the services the government provides for us. Let's start with social security.
SS is welfare. At least that's what it's transforming into. SS was intended to be a voluntary retirement account. Now it's being used for other purposes like disability. I'm not just talking about legitimate disabilities but disabilities like drug and alcohol dependency. Legitimate disability payments should not come from social security other then the money a person has already paid into it. They should come from welfare. Welfare was a program established with good intentions and then turned into an entitlement program.
Here's one for Huntindude: You want population control how about establishing a rule that if a mother wants welfare to take care of her kids she must get her tubes tied. She still has free choice. Not to let the dead beat dads off the hook, if a mother has to receive welfare to take care of their kids then he has to have a forced vasectomy. I can't say what I really think and that is he should get is nuts cut off, because that would be politically incorrect. Oh wait to late for that.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-31-07 AT 11:37AM (MST)[p]all right nutly, tell us O wise one, how would roads get built, and how would our streets b safe? Ever see a place with crummy roads, bad schools and NO infastructure? I know, you never would because you dot go to those places. You know what else, if you live in a rural area with NO fire department, plan on paying a hell of a lot more for insurance. you seen, we should squable over the price, but not the reason. . . my money collectively services my community, in turn, there's a community for me to make my living from. Imagine NO roads, or fire, or police, or infastructure, in places like that there are no people and therefore no economy.

Sure there is waste and some money is wasted, but I sure done know how i'd build the school or the roads, or maybe you can enlighten me. . .

So mr. NO TAXes, how do you propose we build roads, pay for fire, and police? Do you want to cover my share? Or, maybe YOU want find a guy to build a road across the rocky mountains, oh and maintain it for winter travel 9 months per year. . . How about the schools and the buses, you and your NO tax buddies going to pay to build schools and pick my kids up for school?

O and a great one because most guys that are anti tax love to put crooks away in prison, only if there's NO taxes as you would like to see, who pays for and runs the jail?

I'll await your clever reply . . .
Take a breath T.

All those taxes you listed and the one thats missing is Algores carbon tax coming to a city near you.

Our schools are run through property taxes and I wish they would let us have a voucher system or something cause public schools these days suck.

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
>AT 11:37?AM (MST)

>all right nutly, tell us O
>wise one, how would roads
>get built, and how would
>our streets b safe?
>Ever see a place with
>crummy roads, bad schools and
>NO infastructure? I know,
>you never would because you
>dot go to those places.
> You know what else,
>if you live in a
>rural area with NO fire
>department, plan on paying a
>hell of a lot more
>for insurance. you seen,
>we should squable over the
>price, but not the reason.
>. . my money
>collectively services my community, in
>turn, there's a community for
>me to make my living
>from. Imagine NO roads,
>or fire, or police, or
>infastructure, in places like that
>there are no people and
>therefore no economy.
>Sure there is waste and some
>money is wasted, but I
>sure done know how i'd
>build the school or the
>roads, or maybe you can
>enlighten me. . .
>So mr. NO TAXes, how do
>you propose we build roads,
>pay for fire, and police?
> Do you want to
>cover my share? Or,
>maybe YOU want find a
>guy to build a road
>across the rocky mountains, oh
>and maintain it for winter
>travel 9 months per year.
>. . How
>about the schools and the
>buses, you and your NO
>tax buddies going to pay
>to build schools and pick
>my kids up for school?
>O and a great one because
>most guys that are anti
>tax love to put crooks
>away in prison, only if
>there's NO taxes as you
>would like to see, who
>pays for and runs the
>I'll await your clever reply .
>. .

LOL Ok let's start with the "wacko" innuendo. You will get no argument from me that I'm a wacko.
Now at your request a reply to your comments regarding my posts.
I can't because it is obvious you didn't read my post.
Your whole argument is based on the assumption that I am advocating "NO TAXes" (I copied and pasted this directly from your post). If you reread my post I clearly state that I am opposed to excessive taxes when there is so much waste going on. I stated that it is estimated we pay .50 cents on the dollar and that is what I am opposed to. Are you telling me that giving half your paycheck to the government is ok? I'll even take this further. The rich and the poor do not pay 50%, it's the working stiffs like me and most of the others on this site. Are you telling me its ok that only the middle class should pay for everyone's "entitlements"?
Like I said reread my post and make your comments based on what I said not what you think.

One more thing. If we weren't building country clubs for prisons and inmates were required to work as part of there sentence it wouldn't cost so much not would it.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-31-07 AT 12:58PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Oct-31-07 AT 12:56 PM (MST)

So how much should we pay, and show me the waste. . . once you do, tell us how to fix it. . .

How much should YOU pay, and what do YOU pay for with your property taxes, the post was about listing or telling us what YOU pay for with YOUR property taxes, do you even know what youre buying?

Wacko, I dont think that at all, I think youre a typical, regular guy that likes to think of himself as a conservative because it's easy to say you pay too much in taxes. Most people that say that have only a very marginal, at best, understanding of taxes or the system that keep YOU making a pay check. . .

Sorry about the nutly comment, i think I should have said nulty, not nutly. . .
>AT 12:58?PM (MST)

>AT 12:56 PM (MST)

>So how much should we pay,
>and show me the waste.
>. . once you do,
>tell us how to fix
>it. . .
>How much should YOU pay, and
>what do YOU pay for
>with your property taxes, the
>post was about listing or
>telling us what YOU pay
>for with YOUR property taxes,
>do you even know what
>youre buying?
>Wacko, I dont think that at
>all, I think youre a
>typical, regular guy that likes
>to think of himself as
>a conservative because it's easy
>to say you pay too
>much in taxes. Most
>people that say that have
>only a very marginal, at
>best, understanding of taxes or
>the system that keep YOU
>making a pay check. .
>Sorry about the nutly comment, i
>think I should have said
>nulty, not nutly. . .

How much? I can't answer that specificly but I do know 50% is to much. What can we do? I gave three huge examples, but the biggest thing I can say is the government should be held more accountable for it's spending.
Like I said earlier we can privatize some of the services the government provides. One example is trash service. When I lived in Calif. the trash service was provided by the City. Here in NV it is private. I pay less now and get better service. They will pick up mulitple cans and it doesn't matter if I have something sticking out. They pick up even on hollidays. The real kicker is that the drivers are union and paid good wages. How can that be, I pay less and the workers get more. Go figure.
And don't appoligize for the nutly thing. I will be the first to say I am a nut job.
Not where I move from in Cali. I paid twice the property taxes there as I do here and for less house. No I can not tell you off the top of my head where all that tax is going without looking at my tax bill again. I'm not going to either because I would just get depressed again.

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