Just got back



Just got back from the Expo. Met Pro, Slam, Stinkystomper. Saw one_dryboot didn't get to talk to him. Guess Bess was lurking but avoiding me. Slam said I was was better looking than bess anyway. Not sure how to take that comment.

Spidey freaked me out. It was like some kinda pegan worship ritual. In fact the whole MB deal was kinda creepy.

Was real fun to meet some of the dudes and made me realize this whole MM deal is a good thing. Thanks Flounder.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-07-09 AT 06:15PM (MST)[p]Jackass where were you....I waited for as long as i could stand being around that much camo, bad teeth,and mullets. God bless our hunting community, but damn ya'll take some pride in what you look like!

It was good to see Slammy again and met Bess(and his boy) and Pro.

edit-and the above mentioned MM'ers weren't the ones with those qualities.
I was there on friday. Saw some dude that looked like he'd been drinking a bunch of muscle milk, so I asked him if his best friend was Bobcat Bess. So I met Slam, and Stinkeystomper was with him, never met Pro.

I don't know what it is about these expos, but I can only take a couple hours of it. Seems like a lot of ego and B.S. floating around. Makes me wonder if hunting has gone completely mainstream, and it'll never be like it was 10-15 years ago. Seems like it was all about just being out on the horses, cooking in the dutch-ovens, and just enjoying each others company. Now it just seems like a big competition, who can kill the biggest, the most, spend the most, hunt the most states, or countries etc.....Hell, maybe I'm a hypocrite, but something seems odd.
Muncher ... saw a couple of fags walking around in scrubs. Wasn't sure if I should approach either one of them. I was the short fat guy in shades with a beer in my hand. You must of seen me LOL.

I was actually surprised there were a couple a guys in scrubs, but i was the one NOT holding the other guys hand.

And i did see you- the little fat man with the camo hat and jacket in sunglasses with a beer in your hand...and 300 of your twin brothers!

As a side note...that Foxworthy guy was walking around on the floor for a bit...and he's alot shorter (5'10"ish)than i had it in my mind...maybe its the fact that he hangs out with 5th graders......
Gotta tell you ... this gal in a leopard skin low cut grabbed my axx on the way in and MADE me buy a $20.00 raffel ticket.

I told her .... sweetheart .... you earned your $20.00 just touching me and letting me smell you. Stupid girl doesn't even know what a Ibex is. LMAO. It's off to Africa for me.

Wonder if bubbles want's to go???

LAST EDITED ON Feb-07-09 AT 05:43PM (MST)[p]I saw the raffle girls. i suppose i'd lower my standards for the night....not in the looks department, she was hot...but dumb...I like the intellectual gals with multiple college degrees.

I had to avoid eye contact with a lot of vendors...I think they saw surgical scrubs and thought -DOCTOR WITH MONEY... I saw a couple of their eyes widen when i was walking towards them...

I wish the scrubs came with a credit card....I'd take bubbles around back and quiz her until she grew a brain, then we'd go on safari!

Why the scrubs, Tag? I know you liked hairy bungs but pretending you are a proctologyst is going a little far, eh?

LAST EDITED ON Feb-07-09 AT 05:59PM (MST)[p]Wiz, every day is freaking halloween to me...plus the dumb girls really dig them!

I'm working today, and went into the expo for 3 hours before work, and instead of driving back home and changing out of the camo outfit i was gonna wear, i just wore my work clothes into the expo.

One other thing i thought was FUNNY---one of the foreign vendors, and i dont know what he was selling, but his booth was EMPTY(kinda like bubbles skull) On his sign he had out front, was written " Obama stimulus prices" and i just thought wrong venue to be throwing his name around.


Sorry i didnt get to meet you! Hell you should of hit me with something! Im guessing it was around slams booth? I know there were a few there around his booth that slam pointed out. Every person I look at im thinking i wonder if he is an MM'er.
Man i'll tell you what, that expo was awesome, i met so many MM'ers, it was GREAT to finally meet so many of you crazy dudes and dude'ettes (predator)!
We basically had a Monster Muleys reunion at our booth, it was awesome!

Thanks for everyone stopping by to say hello, Rus and Bessy are real troubador's!!

Finally made it home to god?s country after 2 days in the evil big city.

The ride home gave me a chance to reflect a bit. I've been known to make sort of snide cracks about some of the more famous guide services here in Utah. Let me just say after seeing all the hard work these guys put into making a great show for the rest of us and thinking about how hard it must be to produce year after year, all I can say is thanks and damnit I wish I could figure out how to do what you guys do.

Also, due to MM.com I've made some friends I never would have made on my own.

Thanks to Founder & crew for that.

Now that is outta the way I guess I can go back to being a ?Adam Hotel? ? Right RELH????

Slamdunk I didn't realize you had a booth there or I would of come visited and tried to meet some of the other good ol boys (and girls).....I'm pretty sure I met another MM'er there and he was 3 sheets to the wind at noon. He had a Bear skin Coat on with a Hood included and 10 gal hat cocked sideways underneath...somebody was taken his pic and he's flippin the camera man off sayin' HOW DO I LOOK? I said you look like chit....his reply was.. sameday, different drunk and man this coat is heavy..I said its for ridin' a horseback not walkin' you goofball....his reply was.. my old nag would give me a one way ticket to the Arizona strip from here if a I tried to mount with this thing on....we all roared!!!!
After tear down last night i was carrying a deer head out to my truck right in the heart of SLC and saw a transient standing on the corner and thought to myself as i approached him
"This aint going to be good".
I got up next to him and casually glanced over and saw a grin on his face as he was watching me and i thought "Here we go".
He started laughing and said- "Dude, can you spare a buck?"
We both laughed till we both teared up, it made my whole day!!

Got back around 12:30 last night. Long afternoon! I had a great time and enjoyed meeting some of you outlaws. I will be back next year!

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