Just another new guy!



Hello all, long time lurker here.

I have long been afraid to post here in fear of getting torn apart as so many are, so I've been slowly building an immunity to a-hole comments. I think I have finally built up that immunity and now I am good to go!

I reside in central Utah, and I am proud to be a Utard!!
Welcome to the Site!!

Yeah, it's true that Newbies who post on here get a little razzin' and sometimes if you post something not all agree with, you may get a little unwanted feedback; but just call it initiation! LoL ;)

If you keep in mind that by posting on here you are doing so for a purpose; get a bunch of different View Points from a bunch of Different People and respect that, you will fare well on here.

Again, Welcome...and we all look forward to your contributions to this fine site!

?-ERock-> ?
Welcome newbie! I've only been here a couple months myself and I'm rockin the boat with the best of em and coming back for more, LOL! It's a great site and not everyone is going to agree on everything discussed, but it's fun and great to hear the diverse opinions on stuff!
You will be fine if:
-You do not ask any questions
-When posting photo, always deduct 40 inches off the score
-Spell and grammar check all posts

Good luck :)
Welcome I hope you have some great hunting spots that you will share if not you are in trouble right off the bat. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Welcome...just dont post up anything about long range shooting or rifles ! Oh and dont tell anyone you own a fourwheeler. Haha . Its a good site and alot of good folks, have fun.
Lmao! Lot of good advice so far. Sounds like I am well on my way. So here are a few things about me-

1. I know less about hunting than you(everyone on this site)do.
2. I do not own a 4-wheeler.
3. I never attempt a shot longer than 10 or 15 yards.
4. I am sort of a smart-a!

So there you go. Now let's have some fun!

"The freedom of the (outdoors) is not negotiable. We cannot negotiate with those who say, "What's mine is mine and what's yours is negotiable."
Welcome its good to have you on site. My first post 4 or 5 years ago a couple guys jumped on me for using big words and sounding educated. Since then I've tried to sound much dumber and I think its working well.
Welcome. I know you'll enjoy the hazing process that all newbies go through. Here is a picture from the MM class of January 2011 taken a few weeks ago. February should be just as fun so be prepared.


Get out while you still can! This place will suck you in and hold you tight. She's like a mistrss who's into BDSM! LOL, I'm so darn funny today!

Really, welcome!


PS, I have a quad, a big gun w/big scope, sights on my bow, hunted multiple big game every year for 43 years straight etc. This makes me very controversial!
Welcome fellow central utard(I'm also a proud one)
I hope the ripping ends up being as good as you've been anticipating

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