Just A Word to ALL - Please Read


Founder Since 1999
First off, I want to thank everyone for making use of the MM forums. I know there are lots of options out there when it comes to wasting time on the Internet. I'm glad you all still enjoy your time at MonsterMuleys.com.

Second, I just want to say a quick word or two about some of the threads and posts I have seen in the past. I understand that we all have our opinions of other people, businesses and organizations. And, it is OK to share opinions here even if they are critical. HOWEVER, I ask that when you share that opinion, please remember how much weight those harsh words can carry. Many, many people read these forums and your harsh words can not only hurt someones feelings badly, but also do serious financial damage in some cases.

PLEASE take care when being critical of a person or business. Put yourself in their shoes prior to posting comments. Ask yourself, "if someone does not like my work, or my opinion, is what I'm writing something I would like said about me?"
I think everyone should understand what I'm talking about here.

The bottomline is this, when you post something critical of someone or a business, please have some class and appreciate the fact that they are human too and have families to support, mouths to feed, etc. None of us are perfect.....mistakes happen, misunderstandings happen.
Remember the large crowd you reach when you post your words.


Brian Latturner
Amen Brian... Its been getting so thick around you here you could cut the air with a butter knife. At the end of the day everyone wants what is best, we all just have different ideas on how to get there :)
LAST EDITED ON Mar-18-10 AT 09:20AM (MST)[p]It still all goes back to ethics and accountability.........or lack thereof.

You reap what you sow.

In the past, it was easier to get by with unethical business because there was no easy & immediate internet opinions & communication speading word of a person's or group's activity. It's all changed now. When you step over the line now everybody knows about it immediately.

"Put yourself in their shoes prior to posting comments. Ask yourself, "if someone does not like my work, or my opinion, is what I'm writing something I would like said about me?"

Well I can't in some cases because when I ran my business for 20 years I always took the high road always treating poeple fairly, ethically, with accountability, even when my competitors did not. So I cannot put myself in someone else's shoes who offers no accountability.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-18-10 AT 09:42AM (MST)[p]"If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody,

come sit next to me."

~Alice Roosevelt Longworth
Having been attacked relentlessly on another forum, I have personal experience with these issues. The internet allows people to vent for any number of reasons, and facts (truth?) is usually the first causaulty of such interactions.

I've seen quite a few of these personal attacks over the years on the internet, and have learned to ignore them. If people have real issues, and the facts to support their claims, they almost always file suit in court. The coward's way out is to practice character assassination via the internet.

The support from posters friends, acquaintences, and internet arm-chair experts mean nothing. It is nice to see people support their friends blindly, but it often comes back to bite them in the end.

If people get arrested, win a court judgement, or are censured by some government agency, etc., then we are all better to be informed. Reckless character assassination reflects poorly on all parties involved, and does nothing to resolve factual disputes.

Here is hoping for future civility on MM!

Thanks Founder,
While I respect the "freedom of speech", these forums seem to allow a whole lot of criticism without much accountability. Faceless names posting their own "facts," often based on hearsay and strong emotions.
The thing that I fear the most is, while we all have a common love for hunting, we seem to be tearing each other apart. Anti-hunting groups love this, and quite frankly all the bickering is also driving me away from this forum.

So here is my hope that we can have some "civility"!
I will be the first to apologize to Obama for me thinking he's a complete douchebag. Wheeeeew! It feels pretty good to be the bigger person.

Sounds like a certain business is feeling the hit from a recent thread. I won't mention names but its not hard to guess.

I agree with what you are saying Brian, we have to remain appropriate on the forums and not get into the "slandering" mode. However I'm a huge believer of the saying "You reap what you sow." The topics the last few weeks (one in particular) have been a bit heated, but I believe it has stirred many things up which are important to talk about. The direction of hunting is changing and we have a passionate group of guys on these boards. Many of whom have years and years of experience and are well known and respected in this industry. It pains me to see a younger generation which is in the same age group as myself sometimes talking to these guys like they have their head up their butts. Have some respect people and recognize if you bring a controversial topic to the internet, you are going to get a heated discussion.

I have enjoyed the countless hours I have spent on this website and will continue to post and read the various topics which are out there. To the business men who are taking the financial hit, that sucks but its often the closest friends and allies which screw it up. On the most recent controversial thread, this was for sure the case.
WORD! Honestly sometimes I find myself writing a post and then not ever posting it because it is negative or may hurt someone. Thanks for the reality check Founder.

One of the reasons I spend less time on this site than I used to. It just gets tiresome to constantly read all the bickering. I sometimes feel like I'm hanging out with a bunch of premenstrual women. :)
This one time, at band camp, I ......
Seriously though, I need this reminder as much as anybody, I guess. Sorry all for generally being a biblical donkey. Time to log off get ready for bear hunting.

Thanks Founder, I needed to hear that. I know Ive been guilty of saying things I shouldnt have. I caught myself posting something the other day then had to go back and apologize to others on the thread.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-18-10 AT 08:51PM (MST)[p]
this is an awesome website and some of the posts have been way overboard on surtain issues. but the truth is the truth and the average hunter has a voice and has spoken. people are not liking what they are seeing and that needs to be addressed by surtain individuals. if they turn a blind eye well that is there fault.
I'm so glad I don't hunt Utah, I'm so glad I don't hunt Utah, I'm so glad I don't hunt...........
this is an awesome website and some of the posts have been way overboard on surtain issues. but the truth is the truth and the average hunter has a voice and has spoken. people are not liking what they are seeing and that needs to be addressed by surtain individuals. if they turn a blind eye well that is there fault.

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