July & January Hunts



Due to my work schedule, I dont have the ability to take time off from August to December. That being said, I'm looking into taking up archery hunting because I think there is more opportunity to get out and hunt. I'm a west coast guy and enjoy hunting all big game animals. Anyone have any suggestions on hunts in the western states? Not looking for specific areas, more for just states and animals that would allow me to do so during July and January. Also I'm a DIY on public land and wouldn't shy away from over the counter tags either. Thanks in advance.
I have a good Hunting Pard that use to go NR archery to northern Arizona every January for Muleys. He took some good ones and some Monsters but that was back then. I believe those hunts are "over the counter" and still going on.

July, Calif. "A" zone Blacktail Archery. You can go anywhere from pay to play on big private canyon country ranches for BnC Trophy bucks to hunting tracks of Public land DIY for a chance at a legal buck in thick brush. It's best if you know somebody for access but the true Blacktail buck is wonderful critter to hunt.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
There are a number of cow elk hunts from rifle to Muzzy to archery in the western states. I don't know of any Bull hunts in January. What is your home state? PM me if you want my short list.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-05-15 AT 07:40PM (MST)[p]Ive never hunted in July or January, but agree with the above poster that there are archery blacktail deer opportunities in California in July, and archery mule deer in the desert of Arizona in January. Also will add that there is a January archery deer hunt in New Mexico, but the tag I have in mind is difficult to draw.

What is your line of work? ...So I know to never get into it!
Thanks fellow hunters. I really appreciate the help...fyi I'm a college football coach...
I think a sleeper hunt might be North Dakota in Jan. for Whitetails. They got some good ones but they multiply like rabbits.

It would be a memorable kind of year to get three different kinds of good bucks in three different states.

Welcome to Monstermuleys by the way! :)


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
usc sucks......lol


I liked it big...fondler doesn't
LAST EDITED ON Jan-05-15 AT 08:28PM (MST)[p]I believe there are Texas hunts on private property in January.

Cow Elk hunts in Utah in January.

Some thing makes me think there were some big game hunts in New Mex, I know there are some Barbary sheep hunts in January there.

Don't know of anything in July except pig hunts which might be available year round in some States.

Check on javelina archery hunts in Arizona in January.

Cougar hunts in Utah.

Best Wishes,

Also, not big game and I have never taken the opportunity, but friends say you can catch some amazing snow goose hunts on the gulf coast of Texas and then later in the spring, (March, April) terrific snow goose hunts in the Dakota States.

Shooting a pick-up load of geese sounds like a pretty outstanding way to spend a week to me ;-).

May not be in the western states but Texas whitetail season doesn't close until the weekend after New Years. There are a lot hogs in some parts of Texas for year around hunting.
Talk to your players! I'll bet someone has some great info for you. I use to take my college football coach big game hunting on Sundays after Sat night game. Good luck.
Fill us in, what college do you coach for?

You are kind of in a bad situation if you like to hunt. Football and hunting are the 2 greatest things ever and at the same time. Ive been asked to help coach my local high school team that I played at. I tell them I would if I could, but its prime hunting season.

Arizona has a few hunts like mentioned, and so do the mid west states like mentioned. Waterfowl is also available in some areas until the end of the month and into Feb is some states. July is fishing month, but is also not the best time (usually) to fish.

Go BYU :)
LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-15 AT 12:48PM (MST)[p]You need to leave your position at USC and come work for one of the Utah schools. Here the stadiums are 10 minutes away from hunting areas. You can hunt before or after work and sometimes even during your lunch break.

And BYU never plays on the first Saturday in October (opening days of the general elk hunt) Sarkisian could give you a good reference for BYU. :)
Plenty of hunts in Texas year round, both public and private land, high fence and no fence.

I was back home on vacation these past few weeks. In that time, I hunted for free range mouflon sheep, whitetail, and free range axis. Lost a ram I arrowed due to a rainstorm, killed two whitetail does with a rifle, and passed up on an axis buck with my rifle at 80 yards I could have killed all day long. I usually squeeze in a few hunts when I visit in June/July as well as a pretty good axis deer rut kicks in around that time. Its the land of opportunity for the wandering hunter and can't wait to move back!
Some areas of Alaska have a year round black bear season.

NRA Life Member

Lefties are the only ones in their right minds--and I ain't talkin' politics!
and brown bear seasons to boot...

If you need a reference for a heck of AZ summer mule deer hunt let me know.

You might have even coached against his boy last year...

spring bear in idaho or montana, wolf hunts in the winter, hog hunts, duck and geese can be hunted in January.
my biggest problem in life is football and hunting the same 3 months, i wish fall was 9 months. winter spring and summer can be 1 month each

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