Juice Plus?



Anyone tried taking Juice Plus? It's kosher fruit and veggies juiced, then dried , crushed up, then put into capsuls.....I've researched it a little and I'm 50/50 on whether to try it or not.....Yes I know fresh fruit and veggies is better...just want to know if anyone has tried it and their opinion if they have....
Everyone is so quick to take a miracle pill these days....why not just eat the fruits and veggies?

ugh.....I figured Doug would say something too......yes I eat mostly raw fruits and veggies, all organic....mostly organic chicken and fish too. I'm not lookin for a miricle pill....I was looking for people who may have tried it and what they thought.

I can't always eat that well at work....I work 4/10s...some days I don't get off on time, and they turn into 12, 14, sometimes 18 hour days, so even if I bring heathy food, I run out and have to buy something.

I expected some answers like this, but hoped for an opinion if sombody had tried it....
Lol.....Muscle Milk is in ADDITION to MY regular meals for added calories, not a "substitue".

Well, for ME it is anyway....i NEVER use a protein shake to make up for a missed meal, that's a bad thing.

About drinking a juice drink versus real solid fruit and vaeggies is how it will affect your metabolism.
The solids will sit in your stomach and take time to "burn", the liquid will run right through ya and your metabo will slow down.

I know ya hate me drannan....i'm too technical. Lol

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
Thanks Wiszard, interesting to hear. Slam, I love that your "technical".....Thanks to you, the Greek God(just ask TTK)being willing to help us mere mortals, I'm getting a lot out following your workout routine!

The Juice Plus doesn't replace anything I guess, it's in addition to a heathy diet, like the muscle milk....It just adds a little bit of fresh fruits and veggies to your diet that were dried out and ground up.
Thanks drannan, no need to make me blush!! Lol

glad to hear your having some success with the info i've given ya, i love hearing positive results!

Sounds like the "instant just add water veggie pills" might be a good thing that i myself should look into, just don't let them replace the real ones. :)

Keep munchin on real celery though, it has NOTHING in it but burns calories like crazy!!

3K must have found a new "greek God" somewhere else, she has fallen off the face of the earth lately....Damn Zeuss, he always wins the girls over!! x(

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
Too funny! I was gonna call you Zeuss in my last post! Put another pic up of you at the competition and TTK will be the first to look at it....then Feleno. j/k F-dude

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