Judging shiras moose

  • Thread starter montana_mountainhunter
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Super nice moose to me! I just could not see hw well his brow tines forked. I say you should have shot him (if you had a boat and tag!)
that was a shooter bull, I saw a 160 bull a couple of years ago before it got shot, and It didn't look as good as that one.
That is a very nice Shiras bull although I doubt it is 160. It looks a little weak on the left side palm-not as wide as the right. Also I could not tell what the brow points were like either. The B&C book looks at width of rack, width of palms, number of points and length of palm (up and down) If you have split brow points the palm lenght (up and down) goes all the way from the brow to the top of the palm. That is why for score, the split brows are critical.
For me, I think book score is only a bonus. If you like the looks of a bull, then it is a trophy. That bull is a shooter in my book, but that is just me.
The size of a trophy may also depend on what state, or even what area it is in. Some areas traditionally have bigger bulls than others. Where were the pictures from and do you have a permit?
Looks like he's a little short on palm length. Assuming he's got split brows, I'd say his palms are around 30-32". Given that and an average palm width and number of points, I'd say your right around 150.
I would shoot him first and then score him. He has great palms and a lot of points. He may be lacking in fronts as it is hard to tell from the video but a great looking bull.
I wish I could see one like that here in Idaho. I spent 4 days this weekend hunting outside of Soda Springs and couldn't find anything near that good. Still looking though.
Is that an MT bull?

That is a great bull. I've seen a few bigger, but none that looked much better. It is hard to tell what his left side has to offer, but his right is awesome and his point length is great. For me, he has everything...IF he's pretty much symmetrical. I see a LOT of moose with one horn that scores way better than the other. Symmetry is a plus with them I think...not just for score, but for looks.

Kill that bull if you can!
This is a bull from montana. I do not have a moose permit, or I would have killed that bull. I was bowhunting elk, when I saw this moose. I didn't spend much time videoing or looking at this bull, because I was just making a move on a nice bull elk. My hunting partner had this moose at 30 yds, the moose spooked and screwed up our hunt on the elk. I do not know much about scoring moose, but from what I can tell is he's a really nice bull with some character. When I was videoing him, he looked real impressive. I've been applying for moose for years and haven't drawn, but if I do this is probably a bull I will be looking for. I appreciate all your comments, I am just trying to get a better understanding on judging these animals.
I'm not interested in exact locations, but was wondering what "part" of the state you are in. I too hope to find a moose just like that if I ever draw!

Gorgeous bull, but as score goes, I would put him in the 145-150 range max. He still is awesome and well worth harvesting. Some day I hope to have that tag.

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