Judging Moose



Out of the blue, I got word of a Utah CWMU Moose tag that was available for a fraction of its normal price. Because I've been unsucessful for 12 years in the draw, I bought it. This will be my first moose hunt, so I'm flat ignorant when it comes to judging them. I understand how P&Y/B&C score them--my question really goes to guestimating width, palm width and palm length. I'm more interested in a good representative (as longs as its 40"+) than score. Any help would be much appreciated.
I am not a great judge of moose, but you want forked fronts or better. Look for palms that start 5-8 inches from the pedical. The palms should be as wide as an ear and have some depth to them. Points across the top should be visible and not worn down to the palm. I would suggest that you don't get hung-up on width. I have a 38 inch wide skull that would be shot in a heart beat. Best of luck to you. I get to try to kill one of them starting Saturday on the Wasatch.

I posted the picture in the indicated thread ( my brother has the tag and did pass this bull). I think I have learned more in the last two weeks about moose than I have my whole life. It is tuff. I have found that the trophy is in the eye of the beholder so figure out what you want and go for it.
My advice would be look at as many mounts, picture and even shed antlers as possible. I have found by scoring shed antlers and mount (if you can) you can learn a great deal on what to look for. A majority of moose are 24" inside palms.
I personlaly like to find one that "looks good" to me.
My brothers indicated that a shiras moose is our best chance of getting an animal in the books. I beleive that but I do not want to go home without one by "tying to make book"
Just my 2cents and some.
Good luck and let us know.
Thanks Jackelope, those threads were very informative. I've got lots to learn--although many of those bulls were clearly in the big enough to shoot category!
There are a lot of different variations in the shape of moose antlers. To me, they are the easiest to score of all, and getting one to book isn't hard if you have a lot available to look at. I guess a key point is to look for those older one's in the 4-6 year age range.

Mass is most important to me, and the people I've taken out have usually agreed. I really like it when the fronts are shovels, instead of just long forked tines, but it doesnt change score any. Length of points always looks pretty, but a point is just a 1" credit on the overall score. Score is always a bonus, and lets you brag a little louder over beers.

Predator (Lisa) killed a really nice Idaho bull a couple years ago, as did her friend Jill the next year. We've gotten several nice 160+ bulls off the river with muzzleloaders or bows the last few years.


This is what a nice 166+ bull should look like!
To give you an idea on width. Every one that I have measured is 11 inch's from outside of eyeball to outside of eyeball. They usually will look right at you straight on.

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