johnson indicted

"...asks for a minimum of $15,750 for the 21 sheep that died due to blindness..."

21 sheep died and untold more went blind, in one of the best sheep units in the state and they only want $15K? I'd say $15k for EACH goat he let out on public land.
when i originally heard about it on the radio, it sounded like it was gonna be criminal charges. hell, this is just civil fines. if a guy poached 21 bighorns, what would the fine be? like 6k each, i figger. and they want less than a grand for each sheep? if a guy gets caught pot hunting, he goes to prison. but this guy can bulldoze ruins and just pay a fine? goddard is a puss. everyone has known that for years. this sorta shows just much of a puss he is. he wouldn't even make a good groundhog, because he's plum afraid of his own shadow. he's scared as hell of johnson. i'm glad they're doing something, but it ain't gonna stop this guy. i read that the silverbells had the only pure native herd of bighorns left in the state. every other herd has either been transplanted or has had animals from other herds added to it. sounds like the silverbells ain't no more.

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