John Daly?


Long Time Member
Who knew?

After day 1 of the British Open ......John Daly is tied for 3rd! I personnaly think it's awesome!

I love to watch the guy anyway, but it cracks me up when all those tight azzed Brits are FORCED to have to accept him in the parking lot, much less the previous winners locker room. They can't throw him out until he is 60!

To actually have him in contention is...."GHASTLY"!

Now, don't get me wrong, as cool as it is, he could get ripped tonight, shoot a 92 tomorrow, toss his clubs into the bay.... and fart on purpose in the press conference.

I really hope he continues to kick butt, he could use the money and the mental lift.

Would I bet on him?.......yeah, not to make the cut for the weekend.
I hope big John does well in the last 3 rounds. He has had a hard time putting 4 rounds together, maybe St. Andrews will get his mojo back.
Big John plays Pasture Pool,not golf. So it is only fitting he is doing well where the original sheepherders started hitting a "featherie" around with their staffs to pass the time and invented the game.

The game invented by the common man has come full circle.
Gitter Duuun Big John. Finally a normal man on the leader board.[/img][/url]
I sure hope he can do it for three more days too! You know John is just your every day Joe. Except he was blessed with tons of god given talent with the clubs.Maybe he's been humbled the last few years, and he might really try to win this open.

Whiskey, popcorn and cigarettes make John play well. I have always enjoyed his who gives a F attitude. Its good for the game!! I remember when he got clawed by one of his ex wives and showed up to the course with scratches all over his face. I hope he does well and has a comeback because he can spank the long ball.
As Golf goes Big john is one of the most colorful players for sure, I watch him usually when he plays and laugh at some of his characteristics, I am not a golfer sort of speak but play the game a couple times a year usually at company tournaments for fun, Some of the guys are just too serious about their game for me, John would be a fun guy to golf with as he doesn't appear to be so damn serious and more about having fun, Hope he has a really good day tomorrow, He is even after three rounds and needs a really good game to get up the ladder a bit, The tiger pants today were great, LOL

Well, he finished 1 over for the tournament. I am sure he covered expenses for the week.

No outbursts, tantrums or barbed comments....are we seeing a kindler, gentler John Daly?

I hope not.

Golf needs the spirited antics of guys like Daly, otherwise you are left with pantyhosers like Mickleson.

I know, I know; I am an azz! I just don't like the guy and I AIN'T ever gonna like him. He's just too "nice", for me. Sort of like Jeff Gordon.....I don't like him either, for the same reason. They are boring.

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