Joe Biden wants no age limits on sex changes for children.


Joe Biden wants no age limits on sex changes for children.

Above is the link from the Washington Examiner from June 26th 2024

Matt Walsh, a conservative podcaster, along with a few other conservative talk shows, have also brought up this very same controversial sex change policy.

Biden and a few of his evil democrat colleagues are trying to get no age limits on sex changes for children. Why would Biden want to do that? Each one of these operations costs roughly $100,000. Obamacare (Obummer care) pays for it. So these doctors are getting paid hand over fist to castrate little boys, cutting out the breasts of little girls using children as guinea pigs. The children must then continue hormone therapy for their entire lives. The Democrats have found a money-making machine with this. The last paragraph was paraphrased from Vince Everett Ellison. IMHO, I hope Joe Biden and those Dems supporting this sex change policy face consequences and burn in h*ll.
Emails from members of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health show that the Biden administration pushed the group to eliminate age minimums for sex changes and other transgender procedures purely to try and alter the political discourse on the topic. In my opinion, this is not exaggeration. Some of my friends went to the White House to protest against transgender groups and Biden’s attempt to remove age limits on sex changes. This issue is being covered by the New York Times too. Keep in mind that in many instances it isn't a Medical Doctor prescribing puberty blockers and hormonal treatments for children. It is being prescribed by registered nurses and medical practitioners in many States. That's a fact

They are out in the open. It’s so messed up. Poor kids who get hurt by these freaks. Another factual link below.
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“These evil Democrats in power want you to castrate little boys and cut off the breast of little girls. And they’re telling people they’re not going to be held responsible for this? That is a lie. The Democratic Party is an evil institution. They are controlled by a cabal of perverts, liars and psychopaths,” IMO.

“If you want to know what evil is, I’ll make it easy for you. Anybody that intentionally harms a child, even Jesus Christ, the greatest human being [who] ever walked this earth, said, ‘If you harm one of these little ones, it is better that a millstone be tied around your neck and you be thrown into the sea.’ Well, I hope some of these Democrats can swim.” IMO

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