Jimmer is gone


Very Active Member
Am I the only person who thinks the Jazz lost their cash cow in the draft?

I mean he would have brought in a great crowd and lots of money, like Tim Tebow did for Denver. It is all about money not defense or talent.

The draft picks they took are Enes Kanter and Alec Burks.
I have little doubt that the Jazz would have taken him if he was still around, but the Jazz still got 2 great picks. Now they can sign Jimmer after his rookie contract.

+1 Slick....Who?

I will also add....who cares!

I am so thankful that he is not a Jazz man. I am so tired of hearing Jimmer this and Jimmer that. I hope he has a great career but don't want him on the Jazz roster. Like the #3 pick but don't like the #12 pick. I think all picks in this draft are risky including Kyrie and Derrick. I hope the kid from CO proves me wrong. He definitely has some baggage.
like the 3 pick, worried about the attitude of the 12 pick....

As far as needing a sports forum....this is the campfire, a place to bullschizz, when I am at camp we talk sports, jokes, news, whatever......from the activity here the last few years it looks like all most of you do at camp is check out pics of naked ladies together and get aroused....kind of homo erotic if you ask me.....

Remember when the campfire was filled with awesome stories from the hound doggers? been like 8 years but it was fun...

I'd argue that lots of people care....hence the thread being started. If you don't care, don't respond.

I am happy with the 3 pick. #12 I don't know enough about to say much. Jimmer was fun to watch, but I really didn't care where he ended up. I would love to see him excel in the NBA and prove his critics wrong, but I think he has an equal chance of just coming off the bench his career.
RE: Jimmer is an idiot- but his Mom is hot!

iF lots of people cared, there'd be maybe more than 7 responses.....and I responded(which you could subtract from the actual number of responses) because I like to call out the fact that a useless little chit that can't...I say can't but I'd be wrong, I've just never seen him... play defense, and doesn't pay his tithing, was getting all you jizz fans all hot for the chance of seeing him sit on a bench in utah.

Yeah I'm stirring the pot, but in my eyes...the NBA is the worst sport out there. And jizz fans are by far the worst!

This thread should go far with all the caring souls out there....Fuuuuuu.....but since its the Campfire...

RE: Jimmer is an idiot- but his Mom is hot!

I gotta admit that I did watch the NBA draft up thru pick 17 and then turned it off.

First time in many years I arrange my schedule to watch it.

I am more concerned about the 3rd pick than I am about the 12th pick....

but the Jazz suck anyways......

RE: Jimmer is an idiot- but his Mom is hot!


As a long time Broncos fan I haven't seen what Tebow has done for the Franchise yet. I have high hopes.
RE: Jimmer is an idiot- but his Mom is hot!

"but the Jazz suck anyways......"


http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb37/Feleno/zFix.jpg[/IMG] ~Z~
The Jazz have a young and promising roster with Evans, Favors, Hayward and now Burks and Kanter, that with a couple of smart acquisitions, the Jazz could return soon to prominence.

May not make much diffeerence who the JAZZ picked or where Jimmer went. The NBA will lucky to even have a season next year.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
The Jazz got a steal with the 3rd pick. If Kanter had actually played at KU last year he would have been the #1 pick hands down. Our frontcourt is well set up now IMO!


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