Jim Zumbo...

Yep, he's on every week on the Outdoor Channel; and is doing a lot of shows helping disabled Vets.
>Yep, he's on every week on
>the Outdoor Channel; and is
>doing a lot of shows
>helping disabled Vets.

shooting automic weapons lol...


If bowhunting was easy rifle hunters would do it...
LAST EDITED ON Feb-03-11 AT 06:23PM (MST)[p]He is the enemy as far as I'm concerned. Only thing that made him say he was sorry was he lost his sponsors. Who knows for sure if he is really a friend of the black rifle/tactical type stuff. I agree people can make mistakes but I got no room for people who are not pro 2nd Amendment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cold dead hands
NRA Life Member
LAST EDITED ON Feb-03-11 AT 07:14PM (MST)[p]I suspect he was defending the 2nd amendment when you were still in grade school. I have met the guy and read a lot of his work. Class act who spoke without thinking. Have you ever said anything you wish you could take back? Problem with a guy like him is there are a LOT of people listening. With you and I, no one would care. Sure guys like that have a responsibility to watch that kind of thing, but the internet has turned a random thought into an instant sensation.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
I also produce a show that aired on Outdoor Channel and have had opportunity to meet Jim. He is a great guy.

He has been at this for so long, both in print and in TV, that he has my respect. He is one of the good guys who knows how to hunt and is concerned more about the future of hunting than he is about his own pocketbook.

His comments about black guns for hunting were something he would probably take back, if he could. But, he had the honesty and decency to say he may have made a mistake.

Most would have gotten defensive and crawled in a hole. Jim put his shoulder to the wheel and is pushing the wagon forward, making a difference to many.

If you look at what Jim has provided to the world of hunting, it is more than most who are so critical of him.

Hunting is better off because of Jim.

"Hunt when you can - You're gonna' run out of health before you run out of money!"
I met him once and he was kind of a ##### but I totally agree with him about automatic weapons. I think he was absolutly right. I don't care much for his shows but I defend his right to his opinion. All the people that attacked him are jerks.
Jim is an old purist like a lot of us and he just happened to type a blog while he was out on a hunting trip without having the time to think of the ramifications it might cause. He handled it well and is an okay guy in my book. I used the same taxidermist in Cody that does most of his work and the guy said he is a topnotch guy. That's all I need to know!!!
Myself, i don't care much for the guy. I went to one of his seminars way back when his first book came out, early 80's, and he was pushing that. I expected to hear from a Big Buck hunter that did and knew stuff that i didn't, to learn something. What i got was pretty much a meat hunter trying to make a name for himself and it was obvious that the guy couldn't even hang with my Grandfathers, Dad, and Uncles, that had been going out of state after big bucks only for years and years.

Good on him! He made a name for himself in the outdoor world and makes a living off us guys but i sure don't look up to the guy!

I enjoyed his shows on elk hunting but for the life of me never understood why he wore jeans made of cotton on a hunt...cotton kills...literally it can kill you when it gets damp since takes forever to dry.
I have known Jim Zumbo for over 30 years. Being in the sporting goods business for most of 35 years, I see Jim at least once a year, at one or two of the trade shows.

I like the guy.

We aren't big time friends, but we have a few giggles at the shows. He is very knowledgeable and funny as Hell!

He readily admits he should not have "publicly" made the black gun statement......from a PR standpoint, but he stands by his opinion.

Those that don't believe he is "all around good" for our sport are idiots. Put up 1% of the time and money he has spent fighting the "anti everything" people and I'll tip my hat to you.

Like a lot of us, his best hunting days are behind him. 20 years ago, most of his detractors couldn't have seen his shadow on an elk hunt! He now does what he has to do, to keep his hand in the game.

His work with helping Disabled Veterans utilize the outdoors is a sincere passion......and I for one, applaud him for it.

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
Zumbo isn't the enemy. In fact just the contrary, I think of the outdoor shows I watch he is among the best in presenting hunting in a positive light. I don't know him at all but he comes off as a gentleman and never does some of the really stupid things on his show that some of the hunting shows do.
I've never thought of Jim as being the"ENEMY"! He is old school,and i enjoy watching his shows. He comes across as low key,and doesn't try to baffle you with B.S. like some of the other idiots do. I can really re-late to him,and we are both old farts who have the same passion for the hunt!! Keep it coming Jim..
i think jim zumbo is a great representative for us to have fighting for our cause. he is old school for sure. but thats what i think we need. i dont personally like the black rifle movement but i do agree we have to stand together for the second ammendment.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-04-11 AT 10:18AM (MST)[p]I met Jim Zumbo back about 15 years ago in Sacramento at the ISE show there. I was just walking by his booth and he called out to me by saying "hey Brother Elk". I turned around and he said lets talk about Elkdom. Turns out Jim is also a member of the BPOElks in Cody. We talked about 15-20 minutes just about the Lodges and nothing about hunting. Great guy and I had already bought a few of his books prior to show. Told me that he would be down in San Mateo, CA and bring them by and he would autograph them.....he did not even have to but wanted to do it for me so I made the trip later and they are signed now.

Great guy and just got a bad rap from a slip of a few words...hell we all do that even here on MM.

I shared a plane with him last Thanksgiving Day into Kodiak Island. He was taking 2-3 disabled vets on a Sitka Blacktail hunt. His show is a little lame, but he has my respect for what he has done for hunting and for the vets.

He's done a ton more good for hunting than most people. Like most people, he make mistakes. I understand that since my wife points out all my mistakes.

Someone should tell him about lazer hair removal. Maybe they could help his ear-hair a bit.

I like almost all his shows. He helps the wounded vets and through such, shows his compassion.

>I enjoyed his shows on elk
>hunting but for the life
>of me never understood why
>he wore jeans made of
>cotton on a hunt...cotton kills...literally
>it can kill you when
>it gets damp since takes
>forever to dry.

What if he was smart enough to wear a rainsuit or bring an extra pair of pants and/or shirt should he fall in a creek or something? People wear jeans and cotton duck (i.e., Carhartt) pants all the time when hunting.
>>I enjoyed his shows on elk
>>hunting but for the life
>>of me never understood why
>>he wore jeans made of
>>cotton on a hunt...cotton kills...literally
>>it can kill you when
>>it gets damp since takes
>>forever to dry.
>What if he was smart enough
>to wear a rainsuit or
>bring an extra pair of
>pants and/or shirt should he
>fall in a creek or
>something? People wear jeans and
>cotton duck (i.e., Carhartt) pants
>all the time when hunting.

Cotton kills. But only if is cold out. I hunt out West and lots of days is cold. Damp or wet cotton gets heavy and puts you life at risk. Packing around extra gear on a bivvy hunt is not practical.
Ha ha,good observation! I had dinner with him once, I was hard pressed not to laugh. He looked like he had a woolly worm in each ear.
He asked if I subscribed to Out Door Life. I told him no. Not since they reprint every story on how to hunt in 400 different ways, but still the same old story. How many times can you write about the way to do a deer drive??? Or where to find "BIG BUCKS"???? Or, where to put your stand at????
That magazine has seen better days. He was a nice enough guy, just working for a magazine that is boring as hell.
Almost as bad as RMEF's poetry magazine! They need to show some hunting photos in that thing.
Do about one tenth the ethics b.s. That is about as fun to read as going to the dentist.
Wow. My question really stirred the pot. I'm parched so better have a Budweiser.

I have a friend (Bill) in Norwood CO, but lives most of the time in Evergreen. He lets me stay at the Norwood place when I want to. Has a book for people to sigh when they stay there. Jim has signed in several times. Anyway, turns out Bill and Jim are close friends. They've hunted and fished AK a few times. Bill says Jim is a great guy, and super fun to hunt/fish with. PC
>Cotton kills. But only if is
>cold out. I hunt out
>West and lots of days
>is cold. Damp or wet
>cotton gets heavy and puts
>you life at risk. Packing
>around extra gear on a
>bivvy hunt is not practical.

I understand your point but when have you seen Zumbo on a bivy hunt? I don't think the lodge, tent, and hotel hunts he does for TV will get him into any serious trouble so the type of hunting he does is fine for jeans.
First, I hunt with the wood stocked 06' my dad gave me for x-mas 21 yrs ago when I was 16. I carry the buck 110 he gave me when I turned 12. I wear cotton duck pants to hunt in. AND as I get older I too notice the hair sprouting from my ears. I am 37 and I guess I am an old fart traditionalist. I am not wild about the black guns either. Jim takes wounded soldiers hunting, ENOUGH SAID!! Also, I don't see him with his Posse. He doesn't do the running, jumping, acting the fool act. His show doesn't have the coolest graphics, and most awesome theme song. He doesn't have a sweet nickname like Pig Man, or Bone Collector. He doesn't trot out his cute wife to improve ratings. In short he does what he does. Guess what guys, you too wil get old some day and your hunting methods will change with age, doesn't mean you should be put out to pasture.
Perhaps this should be a wake up call to all of us who think we support the second amendment but are still confused. Let's all take a look at our own beliefs of what we stand for and make sure we are on the right side. I've made mistakes, many of them. Nobody is perfect but lets be open minded and support our 2nd Amendment because it's not just about grand paws shotgun.

cold dead hands
NRA Life Member
you think jim zumbo' and the out door shows are real' think about it ' then think agian....
Back in 1993 I read a book that gave some great arguments on why we hunt and how it relates to the PETA/Bunny Hugger conflicts. As a sportsman we have an obligation when we find a book or a paper that furthers our cause to forward it to the guys who have the public's ear so I wrote Jim a letter about the book and my thoughts on the book.
Not long after wards I received a a nice letter from Mr. Zumbo thanking me for the heads up. When you state he did wrong about Black guns you did what? ##### to 26 people online? Jim is in a position to do more good with one article than most will do in our lifetimes. The war we have with the ones who want to take our sport and way of life away is being fought by small Battles and every once in a while a soldier screws up, doesn't mean he isn't a good soldier, he just screwed up! Jim has been a great soldier for many years. John
We subscribed to Outdoor life when I was a kid. That was before any western specialty mags like Eastmans or Trophy Hunter.
I lived for those articles he wrote on Mule deer and Elk. He helped fuel the passion I have for hunting. I don't watch his shows or any other for that matter, but I'll always be Zumbo a fan.

"The value of any trophy from the field depends not on its size but on the magnitude of the effort expended in its pursuit." ~ Aldo Leopold
In the 80s there was a new membership contest with RMEF. The one who signed up the most members won a guided hunt with Jim Zumbo and Chuck Yeager. I signed up quite a few people, but fell short of the winner. That would have been a great hunt!


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
Used to occasionally run into Jim years ago when he lived in Vernal, Utah. He always took time to talk and seemed to be down to earth and easy to like.

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