Jim Hens Monster Ram hunt


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Jul-15-14 AT 04:32PM (MST)[p]Just a heads up, for those (like me) who are hopelessly hooked on watching sheep hunts. Mr. Jim Hen's NM Desert Sheep hunt is featured this week on Drop Zone (Outdoor Channel).
Congratulations to Jim, and the Frontier Outfitting crew!
I was especially pleased to catch a few glimpses of Mr. GW himself.
If interested it shows again on Thursday and Sunday.

Saw it last year on DZ show---

What a PIG.....

How many guys in the Trophy photo---11 I think my count is...tough hunting right there---


Now that ya added that link, I think I have it mixed up with his Montana Ram.

Man those two rams he harvested sure look a lot alike.

Thanks for the link lbh

LAST EDITED ON Jul-17-14 AT 10:09PM (MST)[p]Heh, glad to know that ya ain't quite losin' it Robb buddy, I could never imagine someone referring to Felicia as a "guy" ;)

Anyway, thanks for the props Rick! I rarely watch any hunting shows and am certainly not interested in being in any, but sometimes there's not much choice on these kind of things...well, hopefully Tyler made a nice video of the hunt, and also honored my request to keep the camera as far away from me as possible :)

Cheers Guys


**edit---and please send me some more updates on the desert scouting for your hunt Rick, been thinkin about you guys
Go easy on me my friend!

I got them mixed up as ya gotta admit they both are like scoring very close to each other (Mont. Rocky Ram and N. Mex Desert Ram!)

Toss in Mont. Ram bow kill vs N.Mex. Desert Ram ~~ grab the rifle gig---

You got it done for sure.


PS-I never knew you are Permitted/legal in Rick's/Zion Desert Ram/Utah Unit---damn good to know.
^Heh, you're too much buddy...though your passive aggressive critiques are always welcomely entertaining :)

As far as your post script goes, I have no idea what the hell you're talkin about brother...you do seem to jump to some strange and interesting conclusions on here, which is why I sometimes worry very slightly that ya may be losin' it ;)

Hang in there man


Your request for anonymity was honored pretty well by Tyler. I only recognized you because I knew you were an integral part of that adventure. I had to focus on finding your handsome mug and even rewound it a time or two to be sure the glimpses were actually you. They mostly showed GT with Jim.

You Frontier boys did a great job finding that old ram multiple times after the blown stalks. Too bad Mr. Hens couldn't seal the deal with the bow, but monster deserts like that are rare indeed.

As far as my upcoming hunt, only personal prep happening right now. (workouts/shooting/buying crap I don't really need, etc.) Too hot and buggy to scout down there, but I'll keep you posted when we get after it again. Robb, all friendly advice on my gig is permitted/legal! I'd even welcome updates from your Mrs. desert forays, if she's crazy enough to wander that reflector oven right now!
oh hell yes!! That be me for sure.

Never have been able to figure it out----maybe I shouldn't try to and it would go away----????

Rick---she is getting the green light from her doctors on her Breast Cancer 'False Positive' and then she is off to Afghanistan on the job, end of August for up to 3 years......

Glad to hear Mrs. PleaseDear had a "false positive".
But her leavin will not likely sweeten your disposition.
Best wishes to you both!

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