Jim Carmichel


Very Active Member
Gentleman Jim is leaving Outdoor Life,
and I must say, we're at the end of an
Awsome era, in my opinion.

I posted about what would happen when this time
came a couple of years ago, and asked questions about
who should take his place.

Hunter Harry made an excellent plea for Col.
Crag Bottington. I could not have argued the
point, since Mr. Jim replaced legendary, Jack

My vote, for the new editor, considering the
legacy, was Walt Prothero.

Nobody, will ever replace Jim Carmichel.
He knows more about guns, than most know
about groceries.

A young gent' named Snow will be doing the
bid'n. I wish him well.
Who ???

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

>Hunter Harry made an excellent plea
>for Col.
>Crag Bottington.

All due respect Larry, but It wasn't me who made the suggestion.

Carmichael has had quite a long run.
As I approach 50 I'm seeing all the guys I grew up with dropping off.
Damn tough facing the reality of getting old.
My vote is for MEOWMIX!!! In light of the aging readers, the cap locks format would make it an easier read :) .

You're welcome I shared.
You need a little culture, when a
back-woods-aze-country Texan's giving
it to ya.

Sorry Bassard.

Glad to see you're on that 7th life.

Hollar at me.

Now would probably be a good time to get the "AA" coin out and get back on the wagon.
I also enjoy Mr. Carmichel. I would have to go with Walt given the choice. Walt is not as well known but I have alot more respect for him than I do Boddington who in my opinion is grossly over rated.

I love Craig Boddington as much as anyone.
He's a great American. He's a great soldier.
He's a Great human being. He's a fair-to-mid'ln

I, in NO way am disrespecting Mr. Boddington.
I'd LOVE to meet the gentleman.

....compared to Jim Carmichel, Zero comparison.

Accu' I think Walt is the most under'ated writer
that there is. Bar none.

I love his stuff....

I would have to say that Boddington would be the perfect choice, since he is as obsolete as the magazine. Does anyone still read OL? When I was a kid it was the premier outdoor mag, but it has been passed a dozen different times. They sent me a free subscription a few years ago, no request for it, and I think I still get it but dont bother opening it. As for Craig, I lost all respect for him when he started the rumors about Chuck Adams and wanton waste in Alaska. I dont believe them but even IF true there is not a single possible way for him to substantiate the story and yet he passed these stories as true. Very classless in my opinion and I refuse to read anything by him.

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