JFP!!! JeremyRanch?1911???



I'm making a run in to SLC this morning.
As I leave Heber I notice Law officials making funny moves,I get to thinking they are looking for somebody maybe?
I head up on over Jordanelle & hit the interstate,I'm cruisin at 85 & notice a UHP comming up on my tail quickly,so I move over one lane,no sense in slowing down now he's got me if he wants me I was thinking.
I follow him for a ways & he makes a quick stop in the Median center,I'm thinking again,Something's going down?
I decides to stop at the Jeremy Ranch Exit/store & stretch a leg,I go in to the store for a minute & head back out to my Pisscuttin Rig,I'm walking over to my Rig when all of a sudden I hear all Hell break loose,I feel pieces of debris hitting me & a couple pieces hit my Rig,as I turn to the right to see what the Hell was going on I see a guy run right past me Hell bent for Heaven,I take a quick look at the rig,left rear tire is gone,the rim has major damage & is smoking,within seconds here comes several cops drawing guns the second they get out of their cars,I'm a thinking now I might be in a Crossfire zone so I got in Pisscutter & got out of there,I did get the license plate number off the pick-up truck as I was leaving.

As I was back on my way to SLC I was still wondering WTH was going on?
On my way back home I hear on the radio an officer had stopped a vehicle near the top of Parleys & the JOKER run the Cop over,so I'm thinking the JOKER that damn near run me over might be the same JOKER that run the Cop over but I'm not sure?

Anyway,it was a tense situation for a few seconds,happened so fast I still can't believe it,I hope they nailed him good?

I don't know much of what was going on?
Just know I almost got my ass run over too!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!

Just another day in paradise.
Should've stuck around, Bess. You could've been on the news as the eyewitness. I'd have loved to hear your statement. Would they have had to use the bleeper to bleep out all the F bombs?? LOL ;-)
That guy is a regular at the jail. I searched him in a couple weeks ago. Guy had a broken crack pipe in his front pocket. Took out my knife and cut his pocket clean off his pants. This guy is a real piece of chit!!! Hope the officer gets better soon.

Just think! If you had pulled out your old 50 cal. and tuned that S.O.B. up, you would have been the hero of the day. Might have gotten you a few free passes when your pedal hits the metal. As they say, kinda hard to give a hero a ticket!!!!

Well I coulda boomed him,problem was I didn't know if it was an under cover cop or what the Hell?

After a quick look at the truck I guessed he was probably the bad guy & figured his tire had been spiked,looked liked he'd run it for a ways!

Another thought that went through my mind was he coulda knocked me down & took my rig,but I was in Pisscutter,woulda been a bad idea,He probably decided to take his chances on foot,lol!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
I could have Rug,I just didn't know WTH was goin down!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Bess, be honest. If he had tried to car jack ole pisscutter, there is no doubt in our mind you would "tuned" him up. Somehow I get this feeling about you being this kind of guy. Take my old lady, but damn you if you touch my truck!!!!!

If you are married, don't you dare agree with this. That could get you killed in a instant!

Man you had a fun weekend already. Try and keep the rest of the weekend from killing ya. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Ya,there'd been a fight,but it kinda caught me off guard when it happened so fast,pisscutter only had one advantage,did have air in all 4 tires,lol!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
LAST EDITED ON Jul-05-10 AT 12:16PM (MST)[p]You need to stay home.. The last time you were in the city you see a bear get ran over, then you get in a shoot out the next time lol....

That guy is just lucky he didn't have a "wheeler" in back of his truck. All hell would have broke loose!!!
B-Bop you know you just ruined a perfectly good chance to put some excitement in your life. Your out there playing with the Cops and Robbers when you could have stopped by the Berry and went fishing with me. I was waving!! Are ya working in the big city? After you posted about the dead buck and the bear I seen a different big buck near Echo. Have you seen the Eagle Nest on top of the power pole near Jordenell? Top of the hill lake side of the road!
Glad the officer is going to be OK!!


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