
Very Active Member
Well, my sheep hunt with Mrs. PleaseDear lasted a whole 3.5 hours!!


I was so excited, got my truck packed and ready to go, quad fueled up in case we went to the aptly named 'Death Valley'

Then I made the mistake of checking the house one last time. As I stepped out the front door, I was ambushed.

The suspect attempting to look innocent after the crime:


The weapon discovered later:

And last but not least, the results of my first sheep hunt:

To borrow a phrase from our dear Bessie:

I am more than a little peeved right now.....and cried all day like a girl!

Awwww jeez Predator, that just ain't fair. I feel for you. So sorry. There ain't nothing like a friends sheep tag.
Well... I guess you should call TripleK and get her to fill in for you...Robb may get all depressed that he isn't out numbered by Estrogen on this trip...


At least you will have lots of time to catch up on your MM reading, and daydream about sheep hunting.

Hope you get better soon.
Lisa, Too bad about your luck! Being you now have time you can paint those pretty toe nails. LOL Hope all heals well.....Tom
Sorry to hear the news. Maybe in your free time you can post pics of that bull you are teasing us with and maybe a few more dead critters in your house.

I feel for you.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-02-07 AT 12:28PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Nov-02-07 AT 12:28?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Nov-02-07 AT 12:26?PM (MST)

Yah, Zigga, sitting here looking at mounts and only having mostly hunting DVD's is killing me.

Here's that bull, he's no monster but he's special to me:


Here's the rest of that wall:


Hey Salmon, I'll work on those nails, just for you my friend!
Bummer Lisa! Love those goats you got on the wall. Nice bull too. Now cover up those lil toes, you don't want em to get cold. Ha! Where are the sheepsters staying up there anyways? Are they taking it easy on top or are they roughing at the Lodge? Hmmm? Get well soon.

I truely mean this , what a bummer....Sorry to hear the news....So any hunts left for you this year????
LAST EDITED ON Nov-02-07 AT 03:49PM (MST)[p]Jeremy, they are motel-ing it. No sense testing the weather, you know how it can change this time of year.

My toes are like icecubes! I put like 3 socks on, and they still felt like icecubes. Then I found heaven when my neighbor brought over some of the hunting handwarmers. Voila! Toasty toes!

NM- Yeah, I have a cow tag and can still bowhunt for bulls. But, I won't know for sure if this thing is broken until the horrible swelling goes down. I just hope it is, because I've torn up ankles before, and this one is by far the worst, and that can't be good at all. So I may be eating overseasoned tag soup when all this is done.

Ransom, I don't think she's can claim that proud heritage at all! I think she's Polish, like her mom. Only between the two of us could we have accomplished something so stupid.....Can you believe she had the audacity to actually smile after???!!!

Why even today she walks around like nothing ever happened.
Look at the bright side Lisa! Those sheep tags come along every.........oh,.....25 years or so! LOL!

That dog is showing no remorse at all! I recommend the maximum sentence allowed under the law!:)

Oh no. Yikes. Sorry for ya. Bad girl. You should know better. Let me know if I can help.
Been there done that. Night before the hunt. I guess in your case Wet nurse and hot toddie are out of the question eh? .

Hey Rut, not necessarily...there are quite a few male nurses these days.......I might still have ya pack a cow out for me, buddy boy, I'm not giving up yet!

Hey Zigga, here's some more dead things from my living room:


Incredible animals! Thanks.

Maybe we need to have an "Open House" post where we get to see everyone's home with dead critters.
The thing about a Male nurse is they are not like a WET NURSE the male dosn't GOT MILK
We will go get that cow. Just say the word.

Oooooh, Rut you so opened yourself up there buddy boy.

I could say something...but I won't.

Here's some more horn porn for Zigga, cuz I'm still bored out of my skull:



Lisa - too bad to hear about the bum leg! Hope you recover soon. Hey - it's OK to cry every now and then too. You've got to let those emotions show! Ok - more pics of dead things in your house. I don't care if it is a dead mouse in a trap...

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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