
7 EXPO ELK Tags on Dutton?

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And a good BBQ!
I am Medicine And I am Poison!
What Voltage of Cordless Sawzall are you running & what's your quickest Drive-By at hackin the Horns off of RoadKills?

This Favorite Shhit is getting old already!
Great gobbs of dawg chhit boppper! That G.D. farvin $fw is going to rape the dutton for all its worth. I know one unit that im staying the hell away from. Not sure who in the Don Piss will be Peaying for it but the mature bulls sure will be!
The tag grab has got to stop!


The harder you work the luckier you get!!
Ha ha, you hunters in Utah deserve everything that is going on....and you have no way to stop the freight train that left the station. Don is God! (ask him)
When is Utah going to wake up to all this BS that has been going on and do something about it ? There is no doubt the tag grab's are only going to get worse in years to come!
Glad I got my tag when I did, I would be pissed drawing the rock pile from here on out. After what I seen there in 2010, it will be REALY interesting to see what 2011 has instore.
>Ha ha, you hunters in Utah
>deserve everything that is going
>on....and you have no way
>to stop the freight train
>that left the station. Don
>is God! (ask him)

Please explain why we "hunters in Utah deserve everything that is going on".

I am a Utah hunter and I do not support SFW.

I am a Utah hunter and I researched the fiasco called SFW and saw it for what it is (an organization that is supposed to be helping with conservation but can't seem to show any of us accountability to specific projects and dollars spent).

So please help me understand why "we" deserve this.

And +1 Hornkiller "HAHAHA FSW comming to your state very soon! Keep laughing karma is a *****."

If I was you Outdoors I would start doing what you can now.
A special interest walked the hallways of the state capitol and got a dream deal from the Utah politicians. You elected them. You re-elected them even after the deals were cut. You deserve what is reaped. With no accountability more deals will be announced. Count on it.
I hear ya, but it doesn't mean that all of us "Utah hunters" are to blame for the fiasco!

Believe it or not there are a lot of people that vote in this state that could care less about a politician's view on hunting.

I for one will do my part to reverse this (probably dreamin') and I know others will as well.

Just rubs me raw when someone gets lumped into a group because of where they live.

That's like sayin' everyone in Wyoming owns velcro gloves and milkin' boots :D
Don't stop with just the EXPO tag grab list-----

Go look at the Con Org. tag grab list too.

That will pucker ya up even more! ha

That is wildlife management and "conservation" at its finest!


Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
Mathews Drenalin LD
So much for the expo tags come from the non resident pool. No way 7 Dutton tags are all non resident tags, do the math!
+1 b bop eddy bop a lu lu

Sit tall in the saddle, hold your head up high, keep your eyes fixed to where the trail meets the sky...
+1 bbop and dogshedd,

This is total bullshit. I would not be quite as pissed if I knew that the bulk of the proceeds were going towards conservation efforts. However, with the lack of transparency and/or accountability on SFW's part we're definetly getting fudged. Having said that, I still want to have a shot at those gd tags and will donate around $250 to Dawn Peay's slush/golf fund. Too bad it can't be a win/win and put a few fawns and calves on the mountain with these funds.
If somebody truely has heartache with the expo tags the first thing that person should do is stop supporting the expo.

That is just a start but with the Expo looming how many will avoid it?
>If somebody truely has heartache with
>the expo tags the first
>thing that person should do
>is stop supporting the expo.
>That is just a start but
>with the Expo looming how
>many will avoid it?

It's like a tax refund.......They take 40% of my money all year and offer me a few grand back as a "refund".....I'm not happy about the high taxes all year but I sure will get back as much as I can when I file...

The expo tags are "ours" and were taken from us....I may not like the concept but I sure as hell would take one of the tags is given the chance....the animal is going to die either way...

True integrity would be to draw an expo tag and eat it...

+1 out4elk

Anyone that complains about the system that Utah and SFW has built and then still attends the expo or partcipates in the tag raffles or auctions is a hypocrit. It's as simple as that. Try to justify it any way you want but ulimately it is hypocritical.

If you want the system to end then you have to stop feeding it.

You have good points but for me it still boils down to taking my support elsewhere.

I love browsing hunting expos as much as others and there are vendors that I have always liked talking to and supporting but I won't support it. I would rather have my tags back in the public draw.

For now I will walk the isles of Sportsman's Warehouse!
It's not just us here in Utah that are loosing tags. Here's the auction list.

Friday Day Auction
Salt Palace Grand Ballroom - Noon ?C 4:00 pm

A few of the auction items featured in this auction include:

??2011 Wyoming Governor??s Moose Tag
??2011 Wyoming Governor??s Deer, Elk or Antelope
??Montana Statewide Deer Tag
??2011 Colorado Statewide Elk
??2011 Colorado Statewide Pronghorn
??7-Day South African Hunt
??2011 New Zealand Red Stag
??Utah Limited Entry Pahvant Elk
??Utah Limited Entry Monroe Elk

Friday Night Auction
Salt Palace Grand Ballroom during the Conservation Night Banquet.
Doors open at 7:00 pm. Auction will start at approximately 8:00 pm

Conservation Dinner, Auction and Entertainment ?C Evening includes: Dinner, keynote speaker ?C Marcus Lutrell, author of the best selling book, ??Lone Survivor,?? live auction and entertainment by Country Music Star and avid hunter ?C Aaron Tippin

A few of the auction items featured in this auction include:

??2011 Utah Henry Mountain Deer, Choice of Season Dates
??2011 Nevada Heritage Statewide Mule Deer
??2011 Utah North San Rafael Desert Bighorn
??2011 Utah Statewide Cougar
??2011 Utah San Juan Elk ?C Hunter??s Season Choice
??2011 Oregon Statewide Mule Deer
??2011 Utah Statewide Bison
??2011 Utah Statewide Bear
??And many more

Saturday Night Auction
Salt Palace Grand Ballroom during the 5th Anniversary Celebration Dinner.
Doors open at 7:00 pm. Auction will start at approximately 8:00 pm

Join us to celebrate our 5th year and participate in one of the most exciting auctions in the country! Steak and Lobster dinner, keynote speaker ?C Passionate hunter, musician and best selling author, the one and only Ted Nugent

An incredible line-up of statewide and super tags are available at auction Saturday night.

??2011 Utah Statewide Mule Deer
??2011 Dirty Devil Desert Bighorn
??2011 Utah Henry Mountain Deer Hunters Choice of Season
??2011 Utah Statewide Moose
??2011 Utah Statewide Mountain Goat
??2011 Arizona Special Mule Deer
??2011 Utah Statewide Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep
??2011 Utah Antelope Island Deer (first ever hunt)
??New Mexico Big Game Enhancement Package ?C 5 Species
??2011 Ute Tribe Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep
??2011 Utah Antelope Island Sheep
Just want to know how many of you guys complaining here put in some money for those expo tags?

I think your right to ##### and moan should end when you throw money down hoping to draw.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-07-11 AT 07:28PM (MST)[p]The only way it will stop is we stop buying the left overs and I don't mean a few but all of us and we all know that that is never going to happen but man what a wake up for all the states it would be if we po-dunk hunters just decided to take the year off. It would be good for conservation and open the all seeing eye of all the western states.

Windage and elevation pilgrim windage and elevation

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