Jess Simpson's Dog FOUND!


Long Time Member
Jessica Simpson is left heartbroken after her beloved dog Daisy has gone missing. Jess thinks a coyote got to her famous pooch and is desperately seeking any help she can get.

Jessica took to her Twitter page to write: ?My heart is broken because a coyote took my precious Daisy right in front of our eyes, HORROR! We are searching. Hoping. Please help! (sic)?

The Simpson's have put posters of Daisy, who is a malti-poo, a cross between a Maltese and a Poodle, hoping someone will recognize her and return her to Jess.


A neighbor of Jessica?s said: ?We heard yelling and screaming coming from the direction of Jessica's house around 9pm. I can only imagine that it was that moment that it happened because the next day we saw posters up around the neighborhood announcing that Jessica had lost her dog to a coyote. It's so sad.?

Jess is worried that Daisy was eaten by a coyote and hasn't gotten a single nights sleep since she went missing on Saturday. Aww so sad! Losing a pet can be like losing a friend, so we hope little Daisy shows up soon!

LOOK!!! I found the dog!!!
LOL! Pretty keen detective work there Jenn!


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-17-09 AT 05:16PM (MST)[p]Jeez Jenn, I can understand if you don't care for Jessica Simpson but really, that's just crap.

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