Jennifer v. Brooklyn


Long Time Member
Who would you take?

I let the wife pick out which movie and where we went for dinner last night. Hard to go wrong with the movie they are in called "Just Go With It". Very funny and not to difficult to watch both of them. Jennifer still has a good body and is very attractive.


Hard choice,
Jennifer supports gays rights so I'll go with Brooklyn, I'll probably find out later she supports PETA or is anti hunting!

How was the movie? I would like to take the wifee out sometime if we can find a babysitter.
Jenn still rocks the good bikini body in the movie and although she'd can't compete with Brooklyns, I do think she is better looking overall.

Movie is worth seeing. Very funny right from the beginning and there were a few scenes that will make you laugh out loud. You'll remember the name Devlin once you see it.
if they were both brooklyns age i would say jennifer in a landslide ! but it's a tuffy. i will go with brooklyn !


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I would have to go with Brooklyn. Dont get me wrong, i would take either one that I could and Jennifer is freakin hott too!
Since I've been married for 38 years to the same great lady I made sure I did't look at the half nekid pictures...But if pressed I'd have to say picture number 2...
Ya Rans!

Lots of stuff you didn't use to do till you got around this crowd!:D

Don't know that Ms Rans would be too Proud?:D

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