Jenna's 2005 UT Antelope



My wife just passed Hunter's Safety last year and in her first year putting in she was lucky enough to draw out for Antelope on the Utah West Desert-Riverbed unit. It was a great hunt as you can tell and we were lucky enough to spot this guy from about 700yds out on his way to water. A little stalking got us within 100yds. While trying to find a good rest, the Pronghorn figured something was up and start back the way he came. He got to about 150 and stopped broadside and just enough time for my wife to rest off of my shoulder and put one right through the top of the heart. I think i was more excited than she was! It was a blast and a hunt we won't forget. He is definitely a trophy for her.

He is 15 1/2 on his left side and his right side was measured at 12 becasue of the broken-off tip. His left prong is also chipped a little bit. Looked like was a fairly old buck.



Congratulations to your wife! I hope you have many more fun and exciting hunts together. Thanks for sharing.

Great buck....I've tried to draw that area with no success....maybe next year.

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