JB showed up!


Long Time Member
While waiting for Kilo to show up, he went out and caught the first fish.

Good gracious Eel!! I do believe you are going to be nuked for the first time ever!


Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
LAST EDITED ON Mar-11-11 AT 09:53PM (MST)[p]Show me where the button is and I will do it !!! ;)

The caption for this should be Big fish small pole !!!
I hope you didn't pay much for that bikini wax proceedure!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"

Why did WhiskeyMan demand pics of CUPSY?:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
I have this odd feeling I know what he was using for bait and it is very wrong...
How my pictures got nuked and this one stayed is beyond me!

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

440Sixpack wants to measure your boners!
Worm or flies for bait?

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Cuspy is noodling off the back of the boat now. He tried to claim a million dollar house as a catch that is floating out here. I told him to just loot it with his snorkle gear on and call it good.
I think your flip flop showed up here in northern Kali! Give me the proper description and I will mail it to ya'.


Look out Forkie, FTW is watching us!
Thank god Bianca floats or I don't think I could go on living. When I found her floating at sea I was so relieved that I took her to the Korean Bar and bought her a nice dinner and drinks.

great post/pic, thanks for sharing


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