

Long Time Member
After watching the Utah Jazz lose 5 straight road games, the Salt Lake Police Department has decided to stop issuing traffic fines, they'll now issue Jazz tickets...second offense requires you actually go to the game!!

Do I have to? I couldn't stand it, I turned it off 30 seconds into the second half.
HAHAHAHAHAHA nothing ever changes with the jazz! How many years is jerry going to do nothing?

Note to self: Stay out of SLC - Sure don't want a ticket and be forced to attend a Jazz game.... Horrible thought..
Jay Cutler should think about playing b-ball, he would be team captain on the Jazz!
typical jazz, do just well enough to give ya hope then dash it all to pieces.....i think this is Jerry's last year....he is holdin back jazz a bit now.


Wildlife population control specialist
I'm a Jazz fan, but that one was really, really hard to watch. I'm afraid tonight won't be much better. Although they can't play like chit forever.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-27-11 AT 00:42AM (MST)[p]D-Will has 39 and they still can't win...

Alright here's my problem with the Jazz, they suck!! ALWAYS!! Not during the regular season, just in the playoffs against any team. I'd say underdog teams win teams better than them quite often in sports but not with the Jazz, they just can't quite figure it out and never ever have been able to figure it out. The Jazz have had the soon to be all time winningest coach along with the #2 and current #20 all time scoring leaders on their teams in the past and still have never won a ring. They let their diehard fans down EVERY ####ING YEAR!! And fans love them for what?? For pride?? How far did pride get the Utah Utes this year against TCU??

There's only one reason I'd never be a Jazz fan...Because they let their fans down more consistently than any other team in any sport's playoff history...prove me wrong if I am??

They put up one hell of a good game last night against the spurs if you ask me. The best team in the NBA with only 7 losses. Nobody wins them. We had a chance to win just could not seem to get a stop on the defense end. Our problem.
1. We have never had a big man worth a damn. Memo is to slow now days and the only thing he has is the 3 point shot and still that aint that good either. We need big big big. WE cant match up against LA with bynum, odom, gasol. Nobody can but maybe boston.
2. The big guys we have( or at least the lengthy guys) need to play under the hoop in the paint. AK needs a huge pay cut in my opinion and needs to stop thinking he is an outside shooter.
3. Crash the boards after the shot. I dont know how many times i see us shoot and then before the ball gets to the rim our whole team is back on defense already. WE need to learn how to get offensive rebounds and to block out on the defensive end.

Im a die hard jazz fan and always will be. A few problems to fix and add a big guy who can play ball I think the Jazz could get somewhere.

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