

Long Time Member
Looks like they haven't missed a beat from where they left off last season!

Remind me again how good Boozer is supposed to be??
Boozer is good for about one playoff game a year :) I thought they played as well as Denver the 1st 3 quarters but gave up on D in the 4th...

What's really funny thus far is Shaq and Lebron have lost the first 2 games in row...LMAO!!

Let's see, I think Boozer is 13 million good, remember. AK is worth 17 million, right?

That was pathetic last night! They look exactly like they did last year. I wish Sloan would move on. I think Jeff Hornacek needs to coach that team. Sloan does not realize he cannot play old slow paced ball and get any where. Pretty sad I was hoping to see some change, but it is the same old same old chit.

Cliff Lee was awesome last night and the baseball game was more exciting than the Jazz pick and roll.
the jazz suck and boozer is the suckiest suck thats ever sucked. His defenses even sucks worse.

F the lakers


Archery is a year round commitment!!
>the jazz suck and boozer is
>the suckiest suck thats ever
>sucked. His defenses even sucks
>F the lakers

>Archery is a year round commitment!!

Sorry swbuckmaster, but thanks for the laugh!!! "..... and boozer is
>the suckiest suck thats ever

That's pure gold!!! ;-)


ah come on they didnt suck that bad . Ok yes they did ! That and the Thuggets are pretty good.
I would have more fun slamming my dink in a car door than watching the Spazz! They suck. Didnt someone mention that already?
Yea but they've only sucked since like 1979 ktc, so it's kinda news for some people...only Jazz games I'm going to this year is Dec 12th vs KB24 and the Lakers and then again Jan 11th vs D-Wade and the Heat.

I predict the Jazz to completely miss the playoffs this year as the 10 or 11 seed in the west...


All I can say is get rid of Boozer!!! Nope don't like the guy and I am happy the Jazz did not trade him for nothing in the off season. Mark my words "He will be gone before the trade deadline".

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