Jazz vs Rockets

Smells a bit fishy ... but probably a safe bet! The one that concerns me is those pesky Spurs.

My new favorite team of the week.......Rockets!

Didn't see any of the game last night but I hear they looked good! Keep it up boys!

Hey Karl - if you are lurking around on here (has been known to do so) - go tell them to win one for the Mailman! (We miss you!)

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
jazz in 6, only because they cant win on the road, but it doesnt matter, they wont get past the lakers. Pau Gasol looked incredible today. So did L O, Kobe had an off game for the first three quarters but lit em up in the fourth. Best bench, together with the best coach in the league.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-21-08 AT 09:59AM (MST)[p]"jazz in 6, only because they cant win on the road, but it doesnt matter, they wont get past the lakers. Pau Gasol looked incredible today. So did L O, Kobe had an off game for the first three quarters but lit em up in the fourth. Best bench, together with the best coach in the league."

Sorry Moss, you are crazy if you think the Lakers bench is the best in the league. That is laughable. The Jazz bench is MUCH better. Although, I will admit, Farmar is a future star in NBA.

Anybody can look good playing ENVER. Jazz played one of their best games of the year. They need to finish of Houston ASAP. I am betting Jazz in 6.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-21-08 AT 04:15PM (MST)[p]woodruff, look at the stats, lakers bench produces more. and i forgot to mention one thing in my previous post, LAKERS HAVE THE BEST PLAYER IN THE LEAGUE ALSO. Bring on Utah in the next round, Utah lost four games at home all year, and one of those was to the Lakers without Bynum, Ariza or Gasol. Dont you remember Kobe going off on u guys?
O ya, and we won the season series 3-1. so I'm cool with LA playing Utah in round two.
Well the Lakers will have to play without a bunch of home town support as..

"Clear out the arena..There's a AK47 in the building...."
Thats 2... now we come home..


the rockets are more of a bottle rocket...FIZZ bang and they are done..
>jazz in 6, only because they
>cant win on the road,

SWEEP! It's a coming! Took 2 in Houston! YEE HAW!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
If I was Jerry Sloan I would make the Jazz practise free throws all day tomorrow...

well I did say Jazz in 5...
Well... I drew a LE Elk tag today so I hope I didnt use up all my MOJO.. Im going to the Game because my KUNG-FU is strong...

JAZZ you better not let me down... Robb likes Crown Royal too much.....
I cant believe the game tonight....Jazz couldnt get anything to fall...

O Well...back to home court....

I think my bet is in trouble....
I thought the Jazz had a lot of balls fall. . . right out of their butter finger hands. Man, they were looking like they could have gotten beat by a 5A high school team. They better change their tune in the next two days or this could get ugly.

What the heck is up with Booz? He isnt hitting squat, but. . . his Chewbacca impression is getting better and better every game.

Ok, and someone tell me this, why wont the Jazz penetrate and try to get some points in the paint? This perimeter jump shot is NOT getting it done.

Ok, and someone tell me this, why wont the Jazz penetrate and try to get some points in the paint? This perimeter jump shot is NOT getting it done.

Because the Rockets are all standing in the paint...all 6 of them...the only way we can get in the paint is if Brewer or AK run the baseline and get a ally oop from williams... Boozer need to practise his 15ft jumpshot like he did his FT's.

Im about to be 1/5 of whisky poorer.....
Jazz in 6. I hate Utah but I don't think I can take another NBA finals watching San Antonio. That being said I would rather see San Antonio make it before the Lakers.

I'm just sore because the Nuggets lost in round one for the fifth year in a row, we're the new Timberwolves. I'm never getting playoff tickets again unless they fire George Karl. I wanted a refund and a team apology after game 3. Go Jazz I guess.
Great Game last night..

Now we have to do the same to LA starting sunday...

change the team name to STORMIN MORMINS....LOL
Jazz fan I am, but now is the time to pray. Lakers in six.
STORMIN MORMINS? I doubt if there is one Mormon on the Jazz roster.
John Carter on Arrow103.5 started calling them that after game 4.. just one of the many names he and coach came up with...

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