Jazz vs. Lakers


Long Time Member
Big game tomorrow. my guess is Kobe "The Penatrator" Bryant will enforce his will... as he has been known to do, and the Lakers will win. OK Utards and others, what you think?
I have a hard time watching all professional sports, especially the NBA because I think the athletes are exploited. They are underpaid and under appreciated. They barely make enough to support the children they father in every city they play in.
I wish it weren't so, but I would guess Lakers in 5.
I have ZERO faith in my home state team of Utah this year, i will be shocked if they even pull off ONE game....even here at home.

Bye bye Jazz, better get it together for next year.

If the Jazz would play as a team and not like a buncha pussies then ya they could take Kobe the "penaltrader" but I dont see it happening this year.
Lakers take the series in 1 game (116-37)....Jazz refuse to show up for the rest of the games opting for a stop at the day spa, to get bikini waxes, and facials, followed by a shopping spree on Rodeo Av.

D Will will force his will on the Lakers, Kobe will foul out every game, and Ronnie Brewer will slam down his dunks over Gasol..

Lets hope the Memo can play.

I think it will be a repeat of last year... lakers will win it 4 games to 3. I have season tickets so I will be the one cussin them out if they KEEP MISSING THERE FREETHROWS!!!!!!!
>D Will will force his will
>on the Lakers, Kobe will
>foul out every game, and
>Ronnie Brewer will slam down
>his dunks over Gasol..
>Lets hope the Memo can play.
>I think it will be a
>repeat of last year... lakers
>will win it 4 games
>to 3. I have season
>tickets so I will be
>the one cussin them out

Sorry, last year it was 4-2. It won't be that close this year. 4-1 Lakers at best. The sooner we can get rid of our cancer (Boozer) the sooner we can move on......
+1 on ditching boozer

My best case prediction is 4-2 Lakers. Utah has got to figure out the road games and improve that part of play before they stand a real chance of going all the way

I have a gut feeling that the Lakers had better keep an eye on Portland this year though.

?Life is like a ten speed bike. Most of us have gears we never use!?
+2 for dumping Boozer. We need to find a "true" big man to go with Milsap.

"You only live once,but if you work it right, once is enough" -Joe E. Lewis
LAST EDITED ON Apr-18-09 AT 08:39PM (MST)[p] Jazz need a complete overhaul. Problem is they're stuck with AK47 for two more years with a salary of over 17 million per year and he has proven he's not going to play at that level after all his injuries. Boozer has proven he can't compete against the big men in the league that count. He will probably resign with the Jazz for one more year, because nobody else will want him at his current salary. The 64 dollar question I have is why Knight is played over Ronnie Price?
I'm a Lakers fan and the one team, besides Portland, I didn't ant to face was Utah. Derron Williams is a great....no...fantastic point guard and he can create shots for a lot of players on the court. I don't think it will be as easy a series as everyone thinks. I say Lakers win the series 4-2 but no game is won by more than 12.

"NBA players are underpaid and under appreciated..." LOL!!

LAST EDITED ON Apr-19-09 AT 02:33AM (MST)[p]Steve all due respect as a Jazz fan but we are going to get our dddddd you know.

Lakers in 5
Well game one is in the bag. Ended sorta how we thought it would, except that Jazz put up half of a fight in the second half, moral victory I suppose. At this point that's about all we have to hang our hats on.
Lakers in 5, but Boozer has a huge series because of his pending free agency. Good riddance Carlos.
>Lakers in 5, but Boozer has
>a huge series because of
>his pending free agency. Good
>riddance Carlos.

I hope he has a good series so he will draw more attention from other teams. Trade Bait. At least he is playing I guess.
Lakers played well. Jazz hung in there and never gave up. I expect more of the same. If Lakers win the next one it may be Lakers in 5.

Screw you AZZ Holes, Jazz in 6, and you guys call yourselves fans what a bunch of wussys.

Funny I saw the samething about the utes vs Bama this year, from alot of the same people.

PATHETIC!!!!!!! The whole lot of ya!


Jake H. MM Member since 1999.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-20-09 AT 01:37AM (MST)[p]Damn jake it is what it is. I love the Jazz but they have no shot.

Hang in there. You just have to be honest with yourself,,,, LOL
Jake, Sometimes you have to be realistic. You also picked the Utes to win the NCAA Basketball tournament this year.:)
I just call it like i see it, two months ago the jazz could have beat anyone in the NBA, but it seems there are two teams rolled into one, the losers are playing now..
>Screw you AZZ Holes, Jazz in
>6, and you guys call
>yourselves fans what a bunch
>of wussys.
>Funny I saw the samething about
>the utes vs Bama this
>year, from alot of the
>same people.
>PATHETIC!!!!!!! The whole lot of
>Jake H. MM Member since

The only difference is, if you had seen the Utes just get whooped by Alabama the week before, and everybody else they played you would have predicted the same thing.
They had better get off their high horse and start playing like a team again or the fat lady will be warming up.
I really gave them a legitimate show of going a long ways into the playoffs last month, but since then, they will be lucky to get thru the first round, regardless of who they are playing..
Maybe they'll get a wake up call, and figure out how to play on the road, and surprise everyone...but I'm not holding my breath until they do....
"Jake, Sometimes you have to be realistic. You also picked the Utes to win the NCAA Basketball tournament this year."

That hurt and was uncalled for elkoholic. :)

I think it is all just a cleaver roose, they are makeing LA and all the other teams think they suck and then they are going to kick it in and stomp them all.:)

At least thats what I like to think.

JAZZ in 6!!!!


Jake H. MM Member since 1999.
Keep believing Jake! Sorry if I don't share your optimism for this year. Jazz need to show me more than they have down the stretch. Can't limp into the playoffs and expect to hang around!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
NBA playoffs= Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. What a bunch of Wusses. When's game 2 of this school girls game best of 5 series, next month?

NBA licks A$$, the NHL kicks A$$.

>you wait and see. Jazz
>in 6.
>Jake H. MM Member since

Jake you make me laugh. maybe next year. But at least the first to games were close,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, oh wait,,,, Just razzin ya.
I tell you they are just playing possum..... they will wake up and lite a fire under there ass, you wait and see..... and it might go to game 7, instead of 6.

Jazz in 6..... or 7. :)

Jake H. MM Member since 1999.
JakeH- You need to go place that bet in Vegas...if you win, you'll be the richest man in Utah!! I think you'd be the only one cashing in on it...

GO KOBE GO!!!! Don't make me show you my Lakers Alphamax32...hey anyone think I could buy a custom Utah Jazz Bear 3D target?? ;-)

After a while, we all form opinions about our fellow MM'ers. That's why I'm so disappointed in Feleno that this question was about basketball.

I opened the thread to see what he had to say (as in show pictures of) about the Laker girls vs. Jazz cheerleaders!

Feleno, you've let us all down....

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