Jazz need help at?


Long Time Member
The Jazz have the 3rd overall pick this coming draft and are in need of help up front. IMO, they should draft a skilled, athletic big man who can run, pass and score a la Tim Duncan. What do you guys think?

IMO they don't need help- they lose just fine without ruining any one elses career!

>The Jazz have the 3rd overall
>pick this coming draft and
>are in need of help
>up front. IMO, they should
>draft a skilled, athletic big
>man who can run, pass
>and score a la Tim
>Duncan. What do you guys

There is nobody in this draft that is even in the same universe at Timmy. They will take one of 3 people, Brandon Knight, Derrick Williams, or Enes Kanter. Timmys only come along once in a decade at best.
They need a perimiter shooter to spread the D to begin with. But I think the biggest thing they need to do is with AK's contract over (thank god) and some other money they have freed up, they need to spend it on signing a marque vetran for some leadership. If they can find one who will play here.
Favors will be the big man we are looking for. We need a shooter with the number 3 pick. Plus its our year to grab the big 7 foot 2 guy we drafted in 08 if we want him cant think of his name though.

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