Jazz Get Raja bell back



I really think this could be a real good thing for the jazz. He has always played hard D. He should be a leader in the locker room too. What are everyones thoughts on this.
Plus remember he cloths lined kobe in the playoffs a few years back
I like it too. He is tough and has a great three point shot. Great replacement for Korver.
Raja bell
are you serious that dude has got to be past his prime 5 years ago. We lost a LOOSER in Booser and gained Raja Bell bad move the jazz suck!!


Nets are for fish!!
passed his prime or not he is still twice the ball player miles could ever dream of being.
He is past his prime, but his D is better than Korver for sure. Mathews is replacable, and I think it's going to be a good fit. I think with the new additions, if Kirelinko plays has a good year, I'm calling the Jazz number 2 in the west. I don't think Portland is as good as people say, Dallas is good, but they choke in the playoffs, and unless George Karl comes back, Denver will implode. I know you think I'm crazy, but I really think Utah is #2 in the West now.
I really like Raja, just cause he pisses off Bryant aka buttlick from LA when he is guarding him. but all in all he is gettin past his prime and let's face it the Jazz will never have another team like the Malone, Stockton and Horny era. So yeah will never be anything cause we always pick up these no namers.

Bayside you are crazy man. Portland will get healthy, and be able to rebound back from last year! If S. Bowie II stays healthy we will win the championship! LOL!!! My wife says I'm the crazy one, and a daydreamer to boot.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-16-10 AT 06:05PM (MST)[p]I was more impressed with Mathews than I ever was with Bell...And we seem to forget Mathews was a ROOKIE last year! His best is yet to come, Bell's best has passed, and it wasn't that good anyway...bad move letting Portland get him.

I think Al Jefferson was a good pickup tho
Bell could be the piece of the puzzle that beats the lakers,

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
the only thing that will beat the lakers is size which bell does not have. Sure he is pesky but size means everything.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-18-10 AT 10:08PM (MST)[p]ya he had a dinner interview wiht kobe on wednesday night.
He met with jazz tuesday night and signed wednesday morning. its sweet to beat the lakers to something
I won't argue that I would much rather have Mathews than Bell, but the price tag was way more than we could afford. Once we get Kirilenkos POS contract off our books, we should be able to make another move, and possibly a good one.
We all see it differently but I think the Jazz are a 6-8 seed in the West best case scenario. Boozer's lack of defense really frustrated me but I still think overall he is a better player than Jefferson. I think Bell is past his prime and Korver will be missed more than people think. The Jazz are D-Will and not much else.

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