Jazz at LA



Well boys, game on! Tonight is the night the Jazz beat the Lakers in LA! That leaves them with one more chance to take the series in SLC. This game is a one game series, the winner tonight moves on. What do you say?
Your right the winner tonight wins the series. I will be at the game Friday in SLC to see the Jazz close it out. If they lose tonight I will be scalping tickets in SLC Friday!!
51-39 LA right now. Not looking too good. The Jazz look frantic out there, too hurried. It's causing to many turnovers.

Hay Ktc....... Sorry to change the subject i just had a quick question to ask you. I was reading some of the mule deer topics and i seen you replied to a guy who was asking what to do with 9 non resident points for utah. most people say wait for the henrys. i agree... I have 11 points and will continue to put in for the henrys till i get it. Anyways on the reply to the guy with 9 points you said you just got done watchin some videos on the henrys. I have been looking for some but cant seem to find any. would you mind telling me what videos they were and where you found them. Thanks.....
I guess I will keep the tickets and go see the Jazz dancers. They have not lost a game this season.

you need the # to Kobys back docter.

Also Boozer sucks!!!!
No kidding. That doctor is magical. Fixes a guy up over night!

Well, I wont count them out yet. If they cover the home court Friday a 7th game anything can happen! Things are not looking good, but you never know? Come on Jazz! Bench Boozer and see what happens!


I will send you a pm tomorrow amd let you lmow the deal. Not sure if I can help, but I will let you know. Login and look for the message probably tomorrow. Pretty impressive bucks!
Ktc.........Thanks for the reply. That would be really cool if you could find that out for me.I would really like to start finding some information out about the henrys. I might start going there just to scout around.I figure its better to know the unit before you get the tag instead of tryin to figure it out when you finally do.Any pointers you could give me????? Do you know where some good spots are to see some trophy bucks? Thanks for your help....
LAST EDITED ON May-15-08 AT 06:05PM (MST)[p] Dang it ANTLER 1 i was looking foward to the tickets, let me know if you need someone to go watch the jazz dancers with. im sure i can find the time

Check your mail again.


So does that mean I should be ready to go about 5-ish?;-)
I think if the Jazz could start playing like they were a few weeks before the playoffs, where they were all on the same page, that they could still pull this thing out. Right now it seems that only 3 or 4 guys actually play well, and then not the whole game. If they could just put everything together for two games, they would have a good chance. They just seem like a different team...they seem too tight. They need to just relax and play ball like they knwo they can!
Hopefully if it goes back to LA, they can get ahead far enough where the officiating can't interfere with the outcome of the game!
Exactly ar! Come on Jazz boys. Give us something to cheer about, like making Ko-Ba-Be cry!

They got talent! Hire Hornacek as coach and sit Boozer down until he can play like the Mail Man.
I don't know what has hit Boozer, but not the desire to win like he used to have. It's weird to see Okur drive, and then see Booz sit back and take long shots... Damn guys, go the the freaking rim and get some foul shots.... The jazz are physical on the defensive end, but need to take it down to the offensive end too! If they could just start playing like they were a month or so ago, things would be good in Utard!!!
Series will go to game 7. After that...
>Series will go to game 7.
>After that...

Gimme a break. Phil Jackson is the biggest whiner I have ever seen. Whining about the crowd noise, the design of the building, the Bear, the motorcycle, the fireworks.........
Phil Jackson? Who is he?

Is the the guy that sits on the bench and watches the best players in the league kick ass? Greatest coach? Zen Master? Give me a break. I cannot stand that arrogant dink.

Jazz gotta win tonight! Game 7 they may break out and kick some butt, but I won't bet on it!

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