Jazz are not looking good


Way to make Dirk look like a Superman in the fourth quarter. What the hell do the Jazz need to do? Or is it to early to panick? I still think Boozer is trade bait but he is sucking some a right now.
Nuggets look good. Oh wait we were supposed to talk about the Jazz. They look a step slow. I have them finishing third in the northwest behind Portland and Denver. Williams is still the man though.
Nope not too early to talk trade. Boozer has wanted out for a couple of years and is streaky at best. If they keep it up however, it looks like they will be in a good draft position.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Last night was about the most colossal FAIL I can ever remember a Jazz team having. Being up by 16 in the 4th and then losing by 11, WTF?!?

They should pull a San Antonio and tank this year, get a lottery pick from NY, and one of our own. Ditch a couple of the overpaid guys we have and rebuild.

I didn't know the Jazz were still in the NBA!! They are horrible this year! It's going to be hard to watch
The Jazz NEED to focus on getting Chris Bosh next season...he and D-Will would be a great combo (WAY BETTER THAN BOOZER)!!

Makes me wonder how Boozer is in the locker room. I think the sooner he gets traded the better. I would be surprised if the Jazz let him walk away at the end of the year and get nothing for him.
Jazz look normal to me, like for the last 4-5 years.

Maybe we could work out some trade deal with Al Davis and bring the Raiders to SLC and send him the Jazz.....

If you think it's bad already, check out their schedule in Dec!! 9 of 15 are road games and 3 of 6 at home are against the Spurs, Lakers, and Magic...good luck spazz!!

I'm tellin ya acquiring Bosh is their only hope next year...


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