Jazz and Lakers?



The Jazz can beat them. Will they, not too sure. They have the talent and if they play up to their competition they may be alright. The thing that worries me, today's game. They will either surprise me and win by a bucket, or it is a Laker blowout.

I hope Kirilenko is up to the task and keeps Ko-Ba-Be in check?
Well it sure started out looking promising for the Jazz, but the wind quit blowing behing their sails during that first half.

My finger nails are bleeding already!!

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
The best player in the league (Kobe) leads his team to victory as expected. i'd like to see the Lakers and Celts in the championship just like the old days
It's early in the series...let the Jazz make a few changes and we will see what happens..

Looked pretty much even to me, the Jazz did erase the 1/2 time lead to within 4...
Nate, you've obviously broken into that bottle of whiskey you won from PD!:)j/k

I want to see Utah beat LA!

Oh God, don't tell me, Feleno has a Man Crush on Ko-Ba-Be.

Celtics and Lakers? Ha! That is a ways down the road. Kick some butt D-Will. Ko-Ba-Be's team mate Derek "Benedict Arnold" Fischer does not deserve to win.

Did I mention Kyle Busch is a douche-bag?
I REALLY want to see the Jazz win. Do I think it will happen.......prob not!

If the Jazz lose this series, I will become and INSTANT Hornets fan........I DO NOT WANT the Lakers in the Finals.. I would LOVE to see CP3 take the Lakers down!

I just hope Utah takes the Lakers down first!!!!!!!
Gangsters (Lakers) vs Gangsters (Celtics).....that would be one series I couldn't stomach. Fisher is the only guy on either team that's worth watching. The only other team with more gangsters than these 2 is Denver. I hope the Jazz take them out and I hope Atlanta plays out of their minds tomorrow!

It's always an adventure!!!
LAST EDITED ON May-05-08 AT 08:46AM (MST)[p]do ya all not like Kobe cuz he likes rough sex and a wife cheater or because he's likely to put a dagger through your teams heart? He's this era's Michael almost.
I couldnt agree more about benching Boozer. With his pathetic turnovers and stupid fouls, he gift wrapped this win for the Lakers. I am so dang tired of the Jazz taking 20ft jumpers. When they reduced the gap to 4, it was because they were getting in the paint. Then they drift outside again. I still think they have a good chance at taking the series if Boozer steps up and they spend more time in the paint.
You cant beat a team that has a player that is sent to the free throw line to shoot 23 free throws in one game. If the jazz stand a chance they have to knock down the Jumper. Thatr means Carlos has to hit some... so far he looks real bad the past 10 or so games.
+1 on AWLOB Jim, i'm with ya there brotha!!

Gangters are like a pack of coyote's in my book, i don't care what their social status is!!

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
Boozer will continue to play in the rotation. Sloan doesn't change very much. Boozer has always struggled with taller, atlethic guys like gasol and especially Odom. Jazz have to hit the outside more to open the middle. No one was shooting very consistent in the first game and yet they came to within 4 points. There is hope, but not much.
Ko-Ba-Be almost Michael Jordan? Ha ha ha! Not even close buddy.

Ko-Ba-Be wants to be like Mike so bad he could not care less about anything else. I think he is a self-centered, cry baby, whine ass. That is why I don't like him. I don't like the Lakers, but I can at least say Odom is a good ball player. He has a different mentallity than #24.

My heart says the Jazz can win, but my head says, not without a couple of road wins in LA. I think tomorrow's game is a "must win."
No one will ever be Jordan. He was the best ever. EVER. Kobe right now is the best player in the league and has been for the last few years. Better than Garnett, Wade and Lebron. His numbers in many statistics rival or better Jordan. Yes several big categories he falls short in but again, we are talking about Jordan. No man crush, just stating fact. i really like Utah and wouldnt mind seeing them win, i don't think they will though
I the only thing worse than listening to jazz fans after a loss is listening to them after a win!

I do not want the lakers to win it all, i just want them to get rid of the jazz, and then lose in the next series.

Jordan was the best. Championship after championship, beating out Stocton to Malone, Clyde The Glide, The Round Mound of Rebound, and so forth. He could take over a game at will. If he lost, he killed you next time. When the Jazz played the Bulls twice for the championship they would get up by 10 or 12, then Jordan turned it on. He was unreal. Got lots of calls from the refs, but still the best.

I just don't care for Kobe's attitude. He is not the complete package and hero he thinks he is. A championship this year will help. I hope the Jazz can win, but you are right, they struggle with Kobe. If the Jazz come to play and play at their talent level for 48 minutes they can beat the Lakers. Problem is, they never come to play all 12 guys for all four quarters.

Is Kobe the best ball player this year? Probably. I cannot deny that one. I do not think runner up CP3 is in the same category.
LAST EDITED ON May-05-08 AT 06:07PM (MST)[p]>Jordan was the best. Championship after
>championship, beating out Stocton to
>Malone, Clyde The Glide, The
>Round Mound of Rebound, and
>so forth. He could take
>over a game at will.
>If he lost, he killed
>you next time. When the
>Jazz played the Bulls twice
>for the championship they would
>get up by 10 or
>12, then Jordan turned it
>on. He was unreal. Got
>lots of calls from the
>refs, but still the best.
>I just don't care for Kobe's
>attitude. He is not the
>complete package and hero he
>thinks he is. A championship
>this year will help. I
>hope the Jazz can win,
>but you are right, they
>struggle with Kobe. If the
>Jazz come to play and
>play at their talent level
>for 48 minutes they can
>beat the Lakers. Problem is,
>they never come to play
>all 12 guys for all
>four quarters.
>Is Kobe the best ball player
>this year? Probably. I cannot
>deny that one. I do
>not think runner up CP3
>is in the same category.

+1. Jordan's the best I've seen but I never saw Wilt play. I'd love to have seen the game where Wilt scored 100. That season he AVERAGED 50.4 points and 25.7 rebounds per game and played an AVERAGE of 48.5 minutes per game. Counting overtimes, he sat for a total of 8 minutes all season. That's hard to imagine.

Can you imagine watching that game of Wilt's? Looking back and never remember him playing, it seems he was a colledge star playing in a church game. He was that much better than everyone else?

Jordan sure denied a lot of Hall of Fame basketball players their rings. Stocton, Malone, Barkley, Gary Payton, Clyde Drexler, and many more.
Well, I may as well get in on who was the best, no one can prove any one right or wrong on this subject. When the Jazz played the bulls, there were some things the Jazz had as a handicap. Number one, Ostertag against Cartwright, big disadvantage for Jazz. Hornacek, as good as he was he had a bad hip in first series, and was a joke in the second series because of the hip. Jazz probably would of won had it not been for those two things. Now, no one remembers that the bulls, and Jordan was in his prime, was cobblered by the celtics 2 to 3 years in a row. Bottom line, Jordan was probably the greatest player, but not as great as we would like to believe. It takes some pretty good players on a team to make a great player. Remember his last come back!
As long as Kobe fails at one point or another I am happy. Come on, no more championships for California or Texas.
Come on Jazz! Tonight has to be the night a road game gets stolen.

Boozer, would you play like the All-Star you supposedly are?

D-Will, Play like you always do, the All-Star you are.

Memo, would you knock down 40% of your 3's?

Korver, how about 50%?

Kirilenko, how about 5-5's? You know at least 5 of each stat?

Brewer, you do not need to look like Jordan, just put the ball through the hoop. It is 2 points either way. They never have given any points for style except the All-Star slam dunk.

If you screw the pooch tonight boys, it is over.....
I think if they let CJ guard Bryant we may have a better game, he did good last game guarding him...

Boozer needs to get his 15 - 18ft jump shot back..

More Ally Opps for AK and Brewer fed by williams..

Memo and Korver get your 3 shot back..

I am laughing my arse off at Frontier calling Pau "athletic". Boozer would normally have no problem taking him to school in the paint, but not this year for some unknown reason.
Jazz will win the first home game, Lakers will get us on the second, then it's by by Utah after that.

Then we all get to watch the two gang banger teams kill each other in the finals!!

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
Yep, old Gasol looked like a Klutz last night. 20 points, 5 assists, 5 blocked shots. Boy old Boozer looked atlehtic 10 points, 4 assists, and 0 blocked shots. Fact is Boozer can't get around Gasol or Odom, are you blind! Without Gasol, Jazz win.
LAST EDITED ON May-08-08 AT 04:44PM (MST)[p] "Yep, old Gasol looked like a Klutz last night. 20 points, 5 assists, 5 blocked shots. Boy old Boozer looked atlehtic 10 points, 4 assists, and 0 blocked shots. Fact is Boozer can't get around Gasol or Odom, are you blind! Without Gasol, Jazz win."

Can't get around Gasol and Odom, or hasn't? The normal Boozer would mop the floor with either of them, but his alien clone in this years playoffs isn't doing so well.
The Jazz showed up tonight. I am telling you, they have the talent if they could just play to their potential every night.

I hate to whine, but did the refs seem a little lop-sided tonight? Ko-Ba-Be got a lot of calls as did most of the Lakers and it seemed the Jazz were not getting the same calls? Maybe not, but from a Jazz perspective it seemed that way?

Now, if they can even it up Sunday they might have a chance? Hopefully D-Will is not hurt bad.
I thought this was one of the better officiated games....until the 4th quarter. Then it seemed like the refs were trying to hand the game to the Lakers. It was infuriating.....

I cant wait for Sunday's game!!
>I thought this was one of
>the better officiated games....until the
>4th quarter. Then it seemed
>like the refs were trying
>to hand the game to
>the Lakers. It was infuriating.....
>I cant wait for Sunday's game!!

Thats just how its going to be, they will have to adjust and tighten up their play late in the game. Props to Boozer for coming out of the slump and playing like a man possessed!!! Where was Gasol?
Congrats To the Jazz!! Between the hot 4th quarter Lakers, the Bad calls from the Refs, and the terrible bias Anouncers, i thought the Jazz might let this one get away. Instead they won a tough one today which tied the series at 2 games each.

Go Utah!! Hate the Lakers!!

LAKERS SUCK!!!!!!!!!!
Very frustrating on about 3 calls near the end, were terrible, I wonder who the refs wanted! If Boozer will ever show up in LA, Jazz might have a prayer.
I agree, the Jazz got a couple of calls, but my gawd, the Lakers got some serious whistle at the end. Glad to see D-Will pack the Jazz again. Kirilenko, Okur, Price, Korver, and Milsap showed up to play. What the hell is going on with Brewer? They need to sit his ass down right next to Boozer. Ko-Ba-Be is eating him alive.

If the Jazz can steal one in LA there is hope. Like Barkley says, it is not a series until the home team loses one. The Jazz came awful close today!
Are you serious Brewer is an outstanding player? Kobe gets every call!

Kobe hasn't been able to stop Brewer either. While Kobe is complaining about the calls on the other end Brewer is getting allyoops on the other end.

Ill agree with you boozer needs to show up wth is wrong with this guy right now. If he shows up the Lakers will have plenty of time to put Bengay on their backs!
Props to AK for playing like a man down the stretch and stuffing Kobe a few times! I don't even mind if we lose the series, but they are at least making it competitive! David Stern is absolutely salivating at the prospect of a Lakers/Celtics finals, so it will take a real miracle for the Jazz to win this series.
Why are jazz fans booing Derek Fisher? He was great for you guys last yr, then with all of the problems with his daughter you boo him? That's classy.
>Why are jazz fans booing Derek
>Fisher? He was great for
>you guys last yr, then
>with all of the problems
>with his daughter you boo
>him? That's classy.

Better than Lakers fans booing their MVP early in the season, then turning around and calling him God.

Its a god given right to boo the other teams players when you have a ticket in your hand. Its not he left because of needing to be closer to medical care for his daughter, its the fact that he went back to his old team. Not only that but when he isn't
t in the game he is standing as close as he can to the scorers table so he can hear Jerry' play calls, then telling Phil Jackson exactly what the Jazz are trying to run.

I personally have no problem with him, but if he can't take a good booing then he has no business in professional sports.
Fischer sucks. Why? The Jazz offer him out of his contract and he took it, even when the Jazz bent over backwards for him? Yes, his daughter is important, but with the money those guys make they can fly to get medical treatment very easy. The Jazz gave Fischer a chance back on the big stage, then he bails out. Besides that, he wears Laker yellow so the fans at ESA hate him.;-)

I think Fischer took advantage of the situation. That is how I feel about it.

Brewer is good, except Ko-Ba-Be eats his lunch. Brewer needs to quit all his double-clutch crap and just play. I think Korver is the better player, not the better athlete, but better player.
"Fischer sucks. Why? The Jazz offer him out of his contract and he took it, even when the Jazz bent over backwards for him? Yes, his daughter is important, but with the money those guys make they can fly to get medical treatment very easy. The Jazz gave Fischer a chance back on the big stage, then he bails out. Besides that, he wears Laker yellow so the fans at ESA hate him"

Regardless, of what they say, he wanted out of Utah. Besides the medical treatment was in New York.

Do they expect us to cheer for the other team. Phil Jackson and Kobe are the biggest Pissers and moaners out there.
When they were in LA, all Jackson could do is cry about the ref's. How many times did he go to the line???

I can't stand the LAKERS and the QUEENS are a close second. Ahhh, I feel much better now!!!!

This is why I do not like Fischer; "Regardless, of what they say, he wanted out of Utah. Besides the medical treatment was in New York."

The last time I checked, Utah was closer to NY that LA? If his doctors are in LA, then I can kind of understand. Had he played for the Knicks and his doctors in NY I could kind of understand. However, his doctors were in NY and he went to the LAkers? That is why I think Jazz fans hate him and boo him.

I agree, he wanted out of Utah and used his daughter as an excuse to get what he wanted. Those NBA guys can afford a lear jet, if not, they can pay to have a family member in any US city in less than 4 hours.
Well, personally I think the Jazz are better off without Fischer than with, so I don't care. He does have a talent on being able to hit the big shot, but he just didn't fit in Utah. Fish is a point guard and Utah has 3 point guards now that I would take over Fischer, especially as they get more experience. When Sloan played D Will and Fish together the Jazz had a bad match up at shooting guard, usually because of height. So I say good-bye to Fischer and no hard feelings.
And what was wrong with Primary Childrens and the Huntsman Cancer Institute?

These guys are on the cutting edge of medical technology and reaserch as well as teaching hospitals and can do anything they can do in LA or NY.

Fisher just wanted out of Utah.
Did any of you hear Barkley? They kept talking about poor
Kobe's back. Barkley called BS and said that didn't stop him
from jacking up 33 shots.

Jazz may not win, but they will go down swinging.


I totally agree with you.
I hope the Jazz dont let up because they think it will be easier with Kobe being hurt....remember the Jordon flu!
>I hope the Jazz dont let
>up because they think it
>will be easier with Kobe
>being hurt....remember the Jordon flu!

No joke! U can smell a "Flu-Gate" coming up again in game 5!!
The Lakers are gangsters now? Who on that team even looks like a gangster? If you think they are then apparently you have never seen a real gangster. Most of them went to private schools growing up and went to college. Come on now, just because they shut your team up, don't start the racial profiling. That's just ignorant.

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